Balcony of Dreams

Swirling smoke, swirling thoughts, Breaking dawn, broken heart.

The promise of a new day weighted down by another night of restless sleep.

A brief moment of reprieve and jealously as the birds discuss their breakfast strategy.

Empty streets, the sweet morning breeze takes my mind back, back to a time when the morning offered promise.

How did it get to be like this? Where did I go so wrong? Or did I? Am I running towards something or am I running away?

Black coffee burns my throat, grey smoke burns my lungs. A slow death, acceptable punishment one drag at a time.

Why is it so hard to be ourselves? Do words mean anything anymore?

Hope is the most crushing of all emotions and every morning I am reminded of that in the early morning light.

Another Jane Doe

He took a pull on his cigarette before starting his engine and exhaled the memory of her standing on the road with her thumb up and golden hair down as her white dress blew in the breeze. Excited by her vulnerability and the unexpected opportunity she presented, she would soon become one of the many flies to get caught in his web.

The squawk from the CB drew him back to mile marker 15 where the emergency call came from.

“Roger. 10-4. On my way.”

He emerged from the side road that ran along the corn field arriving at mile marker 15 in record time and joined the other State Troopers as they stood on the road and surveyed the scene.

Another Jane Doe discarded like trash along the road, her white dress blowing in the breeze.

He licked his lips and could still taste her salt in his mouth.


WC: 150

Prompt: Trash

Jessie and James

If you want to participate, here is the link:

Loving in secret, a porter and a waitress, he fashioned her a copper ring as a placeholder and reminder of their future together in Red Jacket once the ban was lifted.

And finally, in 1883 it was, and they sealed their vows as the first interracial married couple with a kiss in the middle of 5th Street.

But discrimination would eventually wear their future into dust and with a broken heart, James watched from a distance as Jessie disappeared on a train headed for Chicago where her new life awaited.

He retreated into darkness and was never seen again.


WC: 99

Prompt: Write a story using your choice of microhistory from Keweenaw National Historic Park. Be historical, funny, or flagrantly fictional. Choose a character, time, place, or event. Be as creative as you want in telling the story.

Home to Say Goodbye

If you would like to participate, here is the link:

I sat and let out the exhale I’d been holding in for years. Coming back home didn’t mean I had a home to come back to. It’s not like it was, anyhow. My parent’s death shattered our family scattering us kids, we abandoned the only home we’d known.

Quietly she called at first, then stronger, she beckoned. In two weeks, eminent domain would swallow her whole and I think she needs to grieve, we both do. So, we visit in the sun as I scratch at her paint flakes and thank her for calling me home to say goodbye.


WC: 99

Prompt: Write about paint

The Work of Many Hands

If you want to participate, here is the link:

Many working hands tend the garden of life.

A gently cupped seed planted and nourished with time, care, attention and love, will eventually grow into its destiny.

Not every seed is a Redwood but not every seed has to be.

The duty of the many hands is to encourage growth through recognition that each seed is beautiful just how it is.

Even the sometimes unwanted weed transforms from flower into wish when allowed, carrying delicate childhood hopes on easy summertime winds.

Rumination, germination, exploration, devastation, explanation, contemplation, motivation, illumination, education…

Every hand on earth shapes the garden of life.


WC: 99

Prompt: Write a story about the work of many hands


With Delight

Life began when the sun shined on me for the first time. Small and inexperienced, alone engulfed in golden sun, I was self-absorbed and single. Eventually, I realized I wasn’t alone because all around me were others and I became we and WE had purpose. We grew bigger and stronger and lived days dancing in the sun; bathing in moonlight by night. We were living although we didn’t know to call it that.

It was perfection and the days that weren’t were too few to be troublesome, so we largely ignored them. But the changing wind seemed to set in motion an invisible clock and suddenly I felt something was wrong.

And then, my neighbor was gone, missing from one day to the next, and I never saw him again. I tried to put it behind me because there were still so many others nearby but his absence made a hole in my world that I couldn’t ignore.

As time went on, more of my friends just disappeared. Where was everyone going? Why am I still here? Hope for an answer slowly turned to disappointment, then to sadness and eventually to grief as the answer escaped me.

I sit alone now, weathered and old, my skin has lost its youthful glow. It’s dry and thin, like paper, and most days I feel so weak that even a strong wind could just blow me away. But it doesn’t so I sit patiently with memory and perspective as my lasting companions and contemplate if more days in the sun were a beautiful gift bestowed on me or if they were a sad joke being played on me.

And then it comes. A gust of Autumn wind blows and off I fly free only now realizing with delight why they call us leaves.



Where Love Once Grew

Like a crab he hid within the walls of his decaying house like a hermit. So much time had passed that the circumstances that caused him to retreat had succumb to the bending of memory over time and his mystery eventually turned to whispered neighborhood legend. It was a tragedy when it happened and after losing her, his life unraveled faster than a spool of kite string in a blistering wind, alone he hung there at the end, alive but not living, too broken to heal, too old for it to matter anyway. There were no more clocks or calendars or dates. Loneliness filled in the cracks where love once lived and the only thing he tended with devotion was her rose garden behind their empty home, the last bit of life in his world. And when he died, it would die, leaving only a memory where love once grew.

WC: 150

Prompt: Hermit

No Ice Tonight

If you want to participate, here is the link:

We sat on the patio in the heat of the summer night listening to frogs and bird’s banter in the distance.

There was so much to say yet we sat there in anxious silence as the last seconds of calm before our storm expired like sand in an hourglass.

The tension was palpable.

Who’d throw the first arguments punch?

She opened her mouth to speak and I panicked, “Drink?”

I got up and heard the screen door slam behind me.

Normally, we sipped our whiskey on the rocks but tonight, no amount of ice would put out this fire.

WC: 99

Prompt: Write a piece that has to do with no ice

To The You That Never Was

To the you that never was, know that I loved you so deeply.

I first knew you in my dreams like a sweet whisper, thought of you each day like a vivid dream and nurtured your image like hope.

I saw him and imagined you with dirty blond curls, long lashes with baby blues and a smile that would melt your soul, if only we had let it.

Through him I saw you and imagined you as the part of me that never was.

I watched you crawl, helped you stand, followed behind your steps and protected you like a budding seed in Spring.

I hear your laughter, see your art on the walls, feel you sneaking in between us to warm your feet in winter like your brother always did.

I saw your dad’s heart grow far bigger than he could have expected or imagined, finally meeting the only woman that would truly forever occupy his soul and own the biggest part of his heart.

Not to say he didn’t love me too but I know it wouldn’t be the way he loved you, followed and supported you for life, the brightest star in his sky, the reason he could be gentle without exception.

I see you learning to ride your bike, standing on the steps on your first day of school and see you smile proudly after losing your first tooth.

I see you excel in school, at sports, have friends and crushes.

I see you learning how to drive, taking entrance exams for college and graduating with honors.

I see you grow and have each other, for life, even if you don’t agree with each other the way siblings sometimes do.

Or maybe none of these things would happen and that would be OK too, because no matter your path, our love is not dependent on implied success.

I have seen the you that never was and I need to tell you two things.

The first, of course, is that I love you like only a mother can.

The second, of course, is that I am sorry for the family that you never had, the laughter you didn’t get to enjoy, the hugs you never got to experience and the love you never got to feel.

To the you that never was, know you had a family that loved you and no matter where you may be, we are never far behind.

Modern-day Vermeer

She sat at the table gazing from the window to a world far away from the darkness of her living room as the afternoon sun gently made its way through lace curtains and painted her face in soft, poetic light. Like a warm filter added to childhood memories, it momentarily erased years of laugh lines earned through a life well lived while making her already beautiful skin look softer still as the gold from her delicate hoop earrings danced brilliant sparkles on her ears and on the small band that was now too small and thin to fit over her aging knuckle where it would remain the rest of her days. Although her skin was thin like paper and her eyes held the weight of a long life, she was still a natural beauty, classic, a modern-day Vermeer, and her beauty would remain timeless, even if only in my mind.


WC: 150

Prompt: hoop


If you want to participate, here is the link:

She’d been through a lot more than most but she knows it’s not as much as some others. Described as a rock, strong and sturdy, people were drawn to her strength like a magnet. And when she was young that need fed her soul, gave her purpose, direction, and she felt like a mountain.

But as the years passed, she learned that even the toughest rocks are worn smooth by a gentle trickle of water and strong winds can erode mountains into dust.

It’s a fine line she thinks between sisu and stubbornness and she walks it with grace.

Word count: 99

Prompt: sisu (a Finnish term for inner strength and determination)

Today, She Fights

The high road was marred with judgements; painful insults hurled like stones in an honor killing. She’d be pummeled into surrender, alienated into an orphan, as a lesson.

The traditional path was less damaging for the family meaning she must give in, acquiescing into soul crushing silence.

But not today. Today, she fights…

WC: 53

Prompt: the high road


If you want to participate, here is the link:

“Charles, help!” a shrill voice shouted from the living room.

Fearing the worst, he dropped the plate he was washing in the sink and came running. “What is it, Ida?!” he said, panicked.

Standing on a chair Ida swore it was the biggest mouse she had ever seen. HUGE. GIGANTIC even.

“Sweetie. Come down off the chair. It’s not that big.” he chuckled.

“What? You knew it was in the house and didn’t get rid of it?!”

What he hadn’t told her yet was that since the accident, the mouse was the only friend he had to talk to.

WC: 99

Prompt: write about a mouse

For the First Time in Years

If you would like to participate, here is the link:

He was drowning in debt, working 60 hour weeks, micromanaged by his wife and under appreciated by his kids. After years of being worn down, his soul was thin enough to break so he planned to let it break in private, on his own terms, alone.

So without a word, he packed a small bag, some food, a few bottles of alcohol and headed to their cabin deep in the woods. He settled in for the night and woke to find his cabin buried in snow. How ironic, he thought, as he smiled for the first time in years.

WC: 99

Prompt: buried in snow

Who’d You Love, Saint Valentine?

If you want to participate, here is the link:

Roses, chocolate, love divine, who’d you love, Saint Valentine?

Was it love that grew from childhood days? Through teens and adulthood, until your hairs turned grey?

Or was it a secret love deep down in your heart? Love you took with you, till death did you part?

Or did you just dream of love, it’s beauty and grace? And see it upon every woman’s smiling face?

Did it veil your life, in all things you knew? A companion to walk with, never one, always two?

With roses so red and violets so blue, sweet Saint Valentine, we celebrate you.

WC: 99

Prompt: write about Valentine’s Day or love

Ocean City

If you want to participate, here is the link:

Her life was boring and she knew it. Several times she tried engaging but felt it was like trying to merge onto a freeway from a stopped position so she eventually gave up and gave in. This would be her life.

That was until she noticed the interstate sign that read, “Ocean City, MD 3,073 miles”.

Passing it on her daily commute, she looked forward to it, had to see it. It called to her.

So with her suitcase in tow, she called in sick, driving east towards the rising sun in Ocean City where destiny awaited her arrival.

WC: 99

Prompt: write about a sign

From the Doorway

I watched him from the doorway with curiosity as he stood in front of the mirror with a bath towel clad around his waist and a Santa Clause style beard of thick, white cream clad around his face. On the counter lay loose blades, shaving cream, aftershave and his favorite razor that required a twist of the bottom making the top open and bloom like a flower where the blade would lay. As I watched the mirror fog with steam from the hot water that filled the sink below, my father watched me watching him and smiled. I stood on the step-stool as he lathered my face with cream and without the blade inserted, he showed me how to shave my face, paying special attention to the nose area and curve of the jaw line. It didn’t matter that I was his 10-year-old daughter. All that mattered was my happiness.

Sea Mist

If you want to participate, here is the link:

I thought he was joking when he asked me to join him at the beach for a swim. “It’s minus degrees… in January!” He looked at me with a mischievous smile. His charm. Sigh. “Alright.”

We arrived at the beach to see the ocean violent and churning. It looked like it was at war with itself. We approached the shore as I shivered, chilled to the bone. Mark had already stripped down and was smiling ear to ear. “Three words… Polar. Bear. Club.” Yelling, “YeeHaw!” he ran into the surf as I watched the sea mist swallow him whole.

WC: 99

Prompt: Sea Mist

Shine Bright, Little Star

My little boy of 3 sits here upon my knee. I love him so much, more than anything, you see.

 A boy of all smiles, radiating innocence and fun. A mother of others I’m not, he is my only one.

 The most perfect of spirits to ever walk this earth. In love in an instant, in love before birth.

 Reading and running, we laugh and we talk. Hand in hand we go down the streets as we walk.

 It is not possible to love anything more than this. Snuggling up on the couch with a hug and a kiss.

 My heart is so full, I can’t fit an ounce more of love. From the heavens he was sent, my sweet angel from above.

 As your mother I promise to love you with care. Any moment you need me, I will always be there.

 Your future I hold in the palm of my hands. I promise to nurture it, for you I have big plans.

 I will never be far, always here for a cuddle. I am the luckiest person to love you because only I am your mother.

 Hold my hand, sweet boy, I will show you the world; let you run wild and free, a strong man I will mold.

 Shine bright little star, there is no end to what you can do. Forever together, I will forever love you.


If you want to participate, here is the link:

The voice on the phone stopped time in an instant and all she knew, everything she’d ever felt, exploded and as her world broke apart she lay in pieces on the floor and wept from a place so deep that she never knew it existed.

In time, she was able to locate most parts of herself, gathering them up with mixed emotions. She was happy to have found them again but the picture of herself that they made was one she needed time to adjust to.

Reborn, rearranged, repurposed, renewed, she now has more parts of herself to give.


WC: 99

Prompt: Write about shards

Into Focus

If you want to participate, here is the link:

He felt she was a disappointment and didn’t mind reminding her daily. Life with her husband was underwhelming at best but she settled thinking he would have been her only suitor. Now trapped and miserable, they lived together alone, her self esteem non-existent.

Daydreaming near the counter she hears, “Vanilla latte for Kiley” and spun around bumping into the most beautiful man she had ever seen. Apologizing, he offered to buy her a new drink. “Wait, I remember you.” he said. “We went to high school together”. He smiled, she smiled and her once invisible life came into focus.

Word count: 99

Prompt: theme of enrichment

To 2019

It is hard to dance when your feet are broken.

It is hard to hug when your arms are broken.

It is hard to love when your heart is broken.

It is hard to sing when your voice is broken.

It is hard to fly when your spirit is broken.

It is hard to run when your legs are broken.

It is hard to remember when the silence is broken.

It is hard to forgive when love is broken.

It is hard to trust when the bond is broken.

It is hard to dream when your reality is broken.


But with some glue, things get mended; new families created, and families are blended.

With loving hands life’s garden gets tended; with some love, feuds and struggles are ended.

With some trust, things we have we can lend; with good friends our reputations they defend.

With some luck, new people befriended; with a healed heart, love is extended.


With our hearts and with our head, for the ones alive and the ones that are dead.

To be better us’ we must crack and break; loved ones and memories we must not forsake.

And when things get broken and we know that they will, we must pick up the pieces because there are holes to fill.

Holes in our memories and holes in self; it is not necessarily the things that you buy that are examples of true wealth.

We must dance and sing whether broken or not; making use of the leftover parts of us that we’ve got.

The old you is still there, the cracks just let the light in; the transitions is in motion and your ‘new’ life begins.

There will be times that our spirits get bruised; we will get chewed up and spit out and feel what it is like to be used.

We may suffer loss and betrayal and grief with no end; but that does not mean you are nobody’s friend.

In the hardest times in the cold and the dark, we must trust ourselves and not extinguish our spark.

The spark will grow fire tried and true, and the new amazing thing that will form is you.

This new you is a you that does not match the you that you know; but this you, the new you, is the best you you can show.

You will never stop changing and time won’t stand still; trust your spirit, trust your heart, your mind and your will.

This year is a new year the old one long gone, it is time to let go, be free and move on.

From seed to root, sapling to tree; it never ends how you think, embrace the journey, you will see.

Looking Back

Want to participate, here is the link:

And with that, I turned and walked away, heart pounding, I exhaled total relief. We were over and a 1,000 pounds of weight lifted off my shoulders. This was the right thing to do… wasn’t it? It only took me 10 seconds to second guess myself for the 100th time and my pace slowed. Don’t look back! But he would be sobbing, crushed by my announcement and only I could console him. I stopped and turned around ready to play the game again and to my utter surprise, he was gone and I was the one left looking back.


Word count: 99

Prompt: Looking back

One Last Swim

His diagnosis meant his days were numbered and no amount of praying, pleading, or crying would change that. He learned early that acceptance was the only way to enjoy what little time he had left so he mourned his new reality in secret, a decision made solely for himself. If they knew, everyone would act different, life would change immediately and from then on he would live his last days choking on everyone else’s fears. He quickly got his life in order and was lucky because he had the money to. He wrote letters to those closest to him placing them in a box in the closet by order of importance. Standing at the lakes edge, the first small flake of winter fell as he smiled quietly within. It wouldn’t be long now. And as winter’s finality came knocking, he decided it was a good time for one last swim. 


Word Count: 150

Prompt: flake

We Lash Out

We lash out with guns, we lash out with knives. 

With our protests we lash out with our words, in action we lash out with bodies.

We lash out against war, fight against it for peace, but it’s a self-serving peace that’s not an actual solution.

The world we have created isn’t a world of peace or equality because we don’t harbor education or healthcare on a global scale.

We don’t care for the lives of our grandchildren, we won’t live long enough to see how we forced their adaptation for survival.

How can we all be so right and so wrong at the same time?

We watch societies burn while their cries remain muted and temporary shelters rise in their place.

Eventually we will all be global refugees. 

But where are we going and how long can we run from the obvious truth that follows us like a shadow?


Word Count: 150

Prompt: Lash

Forever Yours

If you want to participate, here is the link:

A folded note at the base of the headstone read, “My dearest John, I’ve wept for you more tears than water in the ocean or sand in the desert or stars in the sky. Cat Harbor is no longer our safe harbor so I must keep going like we promised we would if something bad should happen. This headstone marks your time here and as long as people can read our names together, we’ve carved our place in history for as long as it stands. Until fate joins us, I’ll be seeing you in my dreams. Forever Yours, Cora”


Word Count: 99

Voice of the Streets

If you want to participate, here is the link:

Under cover of darkness they run along rooftops, scaling walls and dangling from ropes to scrawl messages of political plight and advocate for change.

They are urban activists and urban artists and the city’s streets and walls are their canvases.

The size of the message doesn’t indicate importance, it’s all equal social commentary except perhaps the occasional professions of love which are grand on their own scale.

Graffiti has always been the voice of rebellion, forbidden by law yet still the artists and poets speak and if you listen well enough you can hear the voices of the streets.


Word count: 99

Prompt: graffiti

A Dish Best Served Cold

Chain-smoking in the front seat I leaned back into darkness. My plan to park far enough to not be noticed worked and while they fogged up their windows, I exhaled with each drag the sweet smell of revenge I knew was coming.

I had called him earlier to see when he would be home. Another night working late, he was sorry to be missing dinner again with the family but reassured me he was doing it for us, for our family… blah, blah, blah.

The private investigator I hired was expensive but worth it. My husband couldn’t imagine I was capable of deception, and I am not, not like he is, but I am learning. My view of the situation has… changed.

And just as I lit my next cigarette, his brake lights turned on and they reversed, heading down the hill.

My trap had been set. It was showtime.


Word count: 150

Prompt: view

Further Into The Dark

If you want to participate, here is the link:

We walked arms lengths apart scanning the forest floor, our heads sweeping back and forth methodically, praying to recognize anything out of place other than ourselves. It was getting cold as the night crept up behind us. Our hearts were racing as sticks and branches snapped below our feet from our weight. Flashlights turned on, we were nowhere near stopping. She’d already been missing for three days and was out here, somewhere. There was still a chance. The tension was broken as I yelled, “Cara, can you hear me?” Only silence responded as we walked further into the dark.


Word count: 99

Prompt: “into the dark”

Weeping Silently

The ash rained down from grey skies above as the choking smell of fire coated our lungs, our clothes, our memories.

A skeleton of my childhood home, heaps of twisted metal and ash, incinerated and obliterated, our chimneys spine stands alone.

The magnitude of immediate change and loss of identity has not fully sunk in but I feel the weight of its shadow starting to weigh heavy on my shoulders.

It’s hard to breathe and I choke back tears as I look up and down our street, what was our street, to see a landscape I don’t recognize anymore.

My familiar neighbors don’t fit in this nightmare either as they stand stunned and broken too, on sidewalks that lead to front doors no longer.

We ran with the clothes on our backs.

No photos packed, no memories saved, our pets haven’t been found.

I stand in ash and weep silently.


Prompt: ash

Word count: 150

Time to Let Go

If you want to participate, here is the link:

Sifting through boxes stacked to the ceiling, I relived my old life one memory at a time.

Boxes I packed to one day take with me, instead I sifted through and weaned, taking only the memories I couldn’t part with.

Flashes of childhood, high school, memories of first crushes, of family before the divide.

I discarded some items with ease wondering why I kept such silly things so long, other items required time to mourn.

Life has changed.

I realized these scraps make up me and yet none of these are who I am.

It’s time to let go.


Prompt: Write about scraps of any kind, why they matter and/or what they make.

Word Count: 99

Cropped Out

I stare at our picture on my computer screen, exhausted. For months, I’ve felt nearly all the emotions anyone could ever possibly feel and now, sitting here on our bed, all I feel is apathy.

When I think about the happiness of us, this is the picture I remember. Snapped when we were skiing in Austria, his brilliant blue eyes dance for the camera, a lighter shade than the sky behind us. They light up his face as he squints in the sun, grinning from ear to ear. His crow’s feet are in their infancy and the four-day shadow that darkens his chin makes him look more rugged than he was. I’m kissing his cheek, and even though all you see is my profile, my cheeks are flushed with happiness.

We’re in love…

…were in love. This picture is all that’s left.

And with a click, I crop him out.


Prompt: Crop

Word Count: 150

Super Spud

If you want to participate, here is the link:

“If Popeye can eat spinach and get super powers, I can eat mashed potatoes and get MY superpowers!”

“Kevin, who wants to eat mashed potatoes to get super powers? That’s lame. Wouldn’t you rather get bit by something and turn into something cool?”

“No. Why should I have to get bitten by something?”

“Um, because that’s what happens. Duh. Mashed potatoes… so lame.”

“It’s my drawing. Stop looking!” I covered my paper with my arm. I was SUPER SPUD! A 50-foot potato with huge mashers for feet, ready to squish my brother, my red cape flapping in the wind.


Prompt: pair mashed potatoes with a super power

Word Count: 99

Dancing with the Leaves (Carrot Ranch Flash Fiction 2nd Place Winner)

I could feel the warm breeze on my face and although I lacked the strength to really move, I could still close my eyes and smile. The time between opening my eyes after closing them was getting longer and longer and I knew it wouldn’t be long now. While the breeze billowed the white curtains and the shadows from the birch danced across my comforter, peace settled within me as I lay in bed remembering.

I wound my memory clock as far back as it would go and I slowly let my memories tick by, savoring each one as they passed, hoping to revisit them all before I had to go. Like an afternoon spent with an old friend, there was a lot to catch up on.

I drifted through the snapshots of my life and felt again the depths of my humanness.

Jack and I had been married for 53 long, beautiful years. We raised two children together, grew a business together, traveled the world, watched as our family grew from our original 4 to now 16, with another great grand baby on the way. Sure, we had our fights, said our angry words, but we cried our tears and then apologized and we always grew stronger together.

And with my eyes still closed, I said my thankful farewell to Jack somewhere deep within my heart.

I opened my eyes and watched the leaves dancing back and forth to the music of the breeze and closed them again to see Rory that summer before college all those years ago.

We were so in love but I had to get out of that small town. I pleaded with him to come with me but he couldn’t leave and I couldn’t stay so that summer we lived and loved enough for a lifetime.

I can still see us camped by the river in the canyon, talking for hours into the night, discovering each other and who we were. I can still hear the clink our tin mugs made as we drank by the campfire and laughed about growing old together. Grandkids, grey hair, doctor’s appointments, all of it. I thought we’d be together forever and I guess in a way we have been even though his death parted us nearly 50 years ago. When Charlotte was born seven months later, it kept a part of Rory here beside me forever. It’s funny how love continues to grow long after we think it can’t. She was and still is my saving grace. Charlotte and my son Robert, grew my heart in directions I didn’t know existed. My heart is full. “Goodbye, my loves” I whisper as I open my eyes for the last time.

I die knowing I’ve lived a life on love’s spectrum and like a sapling nurtured, love grew an Oak death couldn’t fell.

Slowly I exhale from my heart into the wind, taking all the love with me as I dance with the leaves


Word Count: 495

This entry won me 2nd place in Carrot Ranch’s Flash Fiction TUFFest Ride Competition, November 2018… Woohoo! First competition win ever! A big thanks to Charli and all of the judges and to all of those that participated. Already looking forward to entering again in 2019!

To see all of the winners and my full entry in the competition, please visit the following link:

Festival of Lights (99 Words – Flash Fiction)

If you want to participate, here is the link:

Along life’s backyard fence hangs endless strands of twinkling lights.

Each strand is separate but when viewed from a distance, they all seem connected, end to end, as far as the eye can see.

We each have a strand of our own, each bulb shines bright for a wonderful life event but suspended between those bright events an invisible darkness remains, the home of hardships and monotony.

With a little luck, we try not to linger there as the dim glow of hope beckons in the distance.

Our chains are unique and together our festival of lights hang eternal.

Time Travel (99 Words)

I sank into the theater chair, the round slide projector beamed a light filled with dancing flecks of dust, illuminating a white screen in front of me.

Click… brings an image of flying kites on Baldy Mountain, running with the wind.

Click… to holding a cup full of nightcrawlers as we drive to fish in the Pacific.

Click… to the smell of chicken soup on the stove.

Click… to happy holidays, family reunions, bedtime stories of Jimminey Cricket.

Click… to cancer, weight loss, unanswered prayers…

Awake from memory lane in 3, 2, 1….

Who says time travel isn’t possible?

Ranch Romance (297 Words – Flash Fiction)

Every summer we went as a family to my grandparent’s ranch until two years ago when my father decided a trip to Europe would be an adventure for us, an innocent distraction after my mother’s death… it wasn’t. Neither was cheerleading camp last year but at least I could feel 14 for a little while.

To cope after my mom got sick, I took solace in books and started writing. I loved the escape, the challenge, creating a new world. This summers AP English assignment though threw me for a loop:

Write about something that moves your heart’…

Nothing moved my heart these days. I had emotional writers block. Great.

I wasn’t really excited to go to the ranch this year but I wanted to see Robbie. His family’s farm was next door to my grandparent’s ranch and every summer we had been inseparable.

Arriving at the ranch my apprehension faded as I hugged my grandparents, pet the dogs, fed the horses and walked the fence picking wild flowers along the way. It’s was hot and quiet and vast and I felt home for the first time in a long time.

“Kiddo, when you are done with dinner you should head over to The Miller’s. I saw Robbie out there this morning.”

I opened the screened door to see Robbie baling hay. His T-shirt hung from his jeans pocket and he glistened tan in the sun. Walking over to say hi I was instantly aware that something had changed. Robbie wasn’t an awkward 15 year old like the last time I saw him. His hair fell into his eyes as he took off his baseball cap and gave me a huge grin. Instantly I knew the title of my summer story was going to be Ranch Romance.


Written as an entry for Carrot Ranch’s Flash Fiction contest:

Prompt: Ranch Romance

Laramie (297 Words – Flash Fiction)

The sun was just starting to rise as I drove east along Interstate 80 as the black dawn gave way to shades of gray and purple that marked the beginning of a beautiful Midwest sunrise.

Cars passed in intervals and my mind drifted mile after mile. I had been driving for 10 hours and decided I needed to stop, fill up and shake off the storm of my past as I drove straight towards its center.

I zipped my jacket up and wrapped my hands around my coffee as I leaned back on my car listening as the pump filled my tank with gasoline. As I had expected, the sunrise was beautiful and for the first time in a long time I let my heart feel a pain I had pushed down since I left Laramie in October 1998.

The controversy surrounding his death divided our town and the nation. When they found him he had been left to die in a field after being savagely beaten. Deciding I would defend him and in turn I would be defending myself, I was ready to have ‘the talk’ with my father.

I had anticipated anger, after all he was a religious conservative man but I hadn’t expected the explosion. His fist flew faster than my head or heart could react and with a broken nose I fell to the floor. That night I packed my things and headed west to California and never saw him again. That was the year life as I know it began.

I spent 20 years living a life of discovery, one I lived for two since Matt never got the chance to. I’ve forgiven my father and now as he lay dying, I make the long drive home. It’s time he knows it.


Written for Carrot Ranch’s Flash Fiction contest:

Prompt: long drive home

House of a Hundred Murders (297 Words – Flash Fiction)

The cool water fell from the heavens upon her face and woke her from a deep sleep. Disoriented, she lay on her back looking up at the clouded sky. She had no recollection where she was. Slowly blinking herself into conscientiousness, she saw a dark bird fly overhead and heard the gentle sounds of a creek somewhere nearby.

It was so cold and the dampness of the rain soaked to the bone. It took several tries for her to move but eventually her will won out and she slowly rolled herself over. She took in the smell of damp earth and paused for a moment to gain strength as her head hung forward dripping water on clothes that she wasn’t familiar with, clothes she was confused why she was wearing, clothes from another time.

Finally in a seated position she sat silently taking in the scene around her. All was quiet save the sounds of the creek. She was alone although she could see a trail of smoke rising high from a chimney on a country house in the distance. “It can’t be.” she says aloud, speaking directly to that little voice inside her.

Pulling herself up she was no longer aware of the cold as the fire of disbelief, curiosity and fear began growing within. She walked towards the house, a house she had only seen in old photographs, one that hasn’t existed for two generations. It was the house of her great grandparents, the infamous house of a hundred murders.

Had she actually believed the seance would work, she never would have done it but standing at the fencepost this felt as real as anything.

Appearing in the doorway was a man firmly gripping an axe as he came out to welcome the stranger inside.


Written for Carrot Ranch’s Flash Fiction challenge:

Prompt: cool water

Souls From The City’s Past

Peek-a-boo shadows from billowing clouds above move swiftly against the piercing blue afternoon sky creating a peaceful tension in the city.

Green leaves begin their waves of last goodbyes as they turn shades of the sun, dancing side to side to music only they hear.

The grit from the street eddies hide in corners of courtyards, corners of buildings, waiting for the wind to spin them along walkways worn down by feet from the past, far too many to count, they are the lost and long forgotten souls from the city’s past.

As the sting of summer fades the growing feeling of change and impermanence resonates and is carried down the streets on winds that gently kiss the many faces that it graces.

Bike fenders rattle over cobblestone streets and children’s laughter is faint in the distance, the motion of city life churns as beeps from the cross walks blare and dry screeches from tram tracks move the vibrations of the asphalt in waves through the city’s main district.

For such a big city, the noise seems quiet, muted, as if playing on a mellow soundtrack, where every sound can be heard individually and yet every sound blends together like a song.

Less families is the city parks that pepper the city blocks, less people sitting on the banks of the Spree drinking beer in the sun, less tourists lost on bike lanes pulling luggage behind them, less boomboxes and teenagers clad in fake Wayfarers looking for spots to play frisbee golf, there is less angst, less promise and less excitement as the winter months ahead appear on times horizon.

We walk together all consumed in phone calls, wearing headphones, trailing children on laufrads, carrying our groceries, waiting for the bus, walking out of work, walking all alone, walking together as strangers.

We walk the days of our lives through the grace of the city not aware quite yet that these are the days that imprint a memory, the days we will recall when we are old, the days of living where we are unknowingly becoming the future souls of this city, adding to the beauty of its past.

Papa J (297 Words – Flash Fiction)

The summer of 84’ was the best of my life. It was my first time home from college and I felt like the ‘big man’ now that I was back in our small mountain town, a town where it seemed no one ever got out and if they did, they never came back. I was bartending at Papa’s Bar like I had done for years except now I became a bit of a celebrity since my return. I was expected to tell tall tales of big city life which of course I obliged and I recited jokes with clever endings that I hoped would impress the ladies.

Papa’s Bar had been there for generations and was the favorite spot of the tourists that came to hike and ski. A family place by day and a rock bar by night, every dream you wished as a teenage guy could come true at Papa’s Bar, at least that is what us young guys thought. Rich Jr. inherited the bar from Richard Sr. and eventually became known as Papa J. He was a guy with no enemies.

Outside town was another bar called The Hideout and it was known as a shady place where people went to disappear and there were rumors about what went on there late at night. When Papa’s Bar closed at night, Papa J went to The Hideout and sometimes I would join him.

When Saturday came and he did not open the bar, Papa J became the one and only missing person from our town. People whispered of gambling debts, mistresses and drug use. We waited for answers that never came. He disappeared that summer and my hometown was never the same. I never told them what I saw and I never went home again.


Written for the Carrot Ranch Flash Fiction challenge:

Prompt: papa’s bar

Fall Is Upon Us

The warm afternoon sun casts long shadows from behind that make me look 20 feet tall walking down the sidewalk.

The air is sweet with the smell of tall dry grass and the warm wind of the last few days of summer lingers.

The first days of September are upon us.

From somewhere in the distance the faint smell of fire drifts by as memories of my childhood home start to flood my mind.

I stop and enjoy the forgotten smells of the end of summer that remind me of being a kid again, a kid that has been long gone for almost 30 years now.

These are smells from my home that I almost never smell now that I live on the other side of the world, smells I have forgotten until they find me, smells that transport me back to some of the best memories of my youth.

What I love about the change of season from summer to autumn in a county that actually experiences four seasons is that for two or three afternoons each year the weather is perfect and the soft evening wind blows quietly through the oak trees and brown leaves and the amalgamation of smells transports me home again, even if only in my memory, to those fall days I loved most as a child.

I stop and close my eyes and inhale the presence of my childhood from long ago and exhale with a smile at the memory flashes of sunburnt skin and dirty knees, tangled hair and jelly shoes.

Fall was bringing to an end the long summer days spent riding bikes and playing outside until the street lights turned on calling us home.

I can still hear the sound of the colorful pogs on my bike spokes going round and round as I rode as fast as I could down my neighborhood streets, their click clack mixing with the sound of doves cooing from the electricity lines overhead and the crickets singing loudly in the late hours of the day as evening approached.

During the week, September afternoons and lunch breaks in middle school were spent chasing grasshoppers on the field, basketballs on the court and baseballs on the diamond, laughing at each other running down the halls.

A time when the days started to get shorter as the darkness of evening came earlier, around the time when you wanted to eat soup for dinner because of the new chill that was in the air, a time when you had already begun planning what your Halloween costume was going to be.

Funny how memories lost can come rushing back when you least expect it.

Memories you didn’t know you missed until you rediscover them, memories as familiar as your favorite old worn-in pair of jeans, memories that helped to shape you and your childhood, memories you hope you make for the children you are old enough to have now, memories that include family that doesn’t exist the way it did back then, memories that have the ability to be opened like a gift anywhere you may be in the world.

A reminder that while you can live any where you want in the world, home has a funny way of being wherever you are right now.

Jessie (99 Words – Flash Fiction)

If you want to participate, here is the link:

It had been 3 weeks and 4 days since Mike and Jessie had broken up and each second that passed was agony for him.

He sat in his usual chair at the bar hoping to be as invisible as he felt, a chameleon basked in neon.

The bar was a loud distraction as he mindlessly stroked the bottle neck, lost in the memory of her smile and the smell of her perfume. Full of regret, his heart ached.

When she touched his shoulder from behind, he looked up and thought it was a dream. They smiled at each other.

Magic (99 Words – Flash Fiction)

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I don’t believe in magic tricks but I love being sucked into them. The slight of hand, the show, the impossible result… it’s mesmerizing and entertaining and I have zero desire for someone to explain it to me. What fun is that? I want to be entertained and tricked into awe.

And although I don’t believe in magic tricks I do believe in magic. The magic of timing, of bonding, the pure magic of love. Magic felt, magic seen, magic experienced.

The only magician I ever knew was time and the only magic he ever showed me was life.

A Thousand Wishes (99 Words – Flash Fiction)

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The sunset fades into dusk. Bright pinks and reds slowly change to burnt shades of orange and purple. The horizon glow dims as the blanket of night covers all.

The rising hum of crickets and frogs fill the summer night and a warm breeze welcomes us to settle in like the flashing of lights before a performance begins.

Time to take your seat. The show is about to begin.

With excitement the event begins as the first comet streaks the sky.

Tonight is a night of a thousand wishes and with all of mine I wish you were here.

One of the Lucky Ones

Tempting fate, a tempting love, pushing the envelope only to cross a line she can’t backtrack from.

As a line unseen, it’s boundary is neither here nor there, damage assessed only in retrospect from the wake of love’s poor choice.

Her whole life feels like she has spent it in retrospect through apology, in defense, constantly repairing, correcting perhaps what should not have been in the first place.

She feels this but she also desperately longs to be back in that same private place from long ago where, for the briefest of moments in time, she felt completely free.

A time when her heart wasn’t so heavy, life wasn’t so heavy and she still had the energy of choice.

And as she ages she realizes perhaps she wasn’t free after all, not free like the many others that walk silently along side of her at this moment in time, sharing the weight of the world together alone.

She believes none of us are completely free believing we are all carrying unseen loads that get heavier as we age, weight that keeps us all from flying.

But she knows she will be the only person who sees through her eyes, the only one who will ever know how far she has come, how much she has lost, what feelings she harbors and the weight she carries, how close she came to the edge, how far she has travelled from that point to this one or how deep she loved and still does.

In these moments when she questions the purpose of her life, sometimes she thinks back to the time she spent when her heart solely belonged to him and she closes her eyes and for the briefest of sweet moments, she feels the weightlessness of being home, being free, of feeling pure love once more and her heart is full and quiet.

These moments remind her that judgement is for those on the outside and the truest of loves has no defense.

To know the deepest of love means you will feel the deepest of losses and for that she will carry the heaviness of her past with pride.

She has experienced life, she is one of the lucky ones.

The Sunshine Kid (99 Words – Flash Fiction)

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I emerged at dawn to a silence only those who have known solitude in the forrest long for. The sweet dampness of the morning burned the smell of warming Redwoods into my memory as I sat quietly by the fire perking coffee I drank from a tin cup.

The smoke rose into the forrest’s canopy as the fire pit crackled and popped and as peace settled in the sun broke free cascading a kaleidoscope of light all around and from our yellow tent emerged my favorite person of all, my sunshine kid, beaming a smile from ear to ear.

Her Magic Buttons (99 Words – Flash Fiction)

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Her mother’s button box was beautiful and long with a brown paisley silk cover. The clasp was small and silver, perfect for her young fingers, the interior a soft satin pink, a suitable home for magic buttons.

And they were to her, at least. For hours she crouched on the floor beneath her mother’s sewing machine ordering them from big to small, shiny to matte, translucent to black.

It wasn’t until she was older that she realized maybe it wasn’t the buttons that were magic but the uninterrupted time she spent in her mother’s presence.

How she missed her.

Sketches of Love (99 Words – Flash Fiction)

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Miles Davis’ Sketches of Spain played in the background as I poured us another glass of Barolo. With a charismatic smile he turned dinner into an art form.

All the burners were going, the fan on full blast, steam from the pots flushed his cheeks, his stripped apron danced along with him.

As he danced the moment slowed softening its edges along with the lighting and I was aware that this was an ordinary moment I would cherish forever. The next time someone would ask when was it that I knew I loved him, this moment would be it.


He greeted the old man with a nod when he sat close to him in the pew. They greeted each other often in church, nearly every week for years now, although for one reason or another they had never exchanged more than a kind greeting and a warm smile.

The church was quiet this time when they greeted one another. They sat arms length away, close enough for men to sit comfortably near one another, together in their own space.

The priest gave a sermon about death and we all sat in attention. We were all aware that the old man had lost his wife several months ago and as I sat behind the two men I watched the old man gently lean towards the middle aged man who, in turn, scooted over to comfort him in his grief as the old man lay his head on the middle aged mans shoulder. I was surprised to see this gesture, the closeness, but the gentleness of hearts in this church never surprised me. So I said silent prayers for the two men, the old man for his loss, the middle aged man for the strength to comfort, and we continued to to listen to the word of God, in our own worlds, together.

Had I been listening a bit harder I might have heard the exhale of the old man followed by the deep breath of the man comforting him. If we had seen them from the front I am certain I would have seen the old man slowly close his eyes indefinitely while the middle aged mans eyes widened in surprise. We hadn’t yet recognize the true beauty of the moment, the moment the old man let go of his life, the moment his soul gracefully headed home to join his wife, in a church filled with love, as the last word from a sermon about death echoed into silence, and perhaps in the old mans ears eternally.

The man sat still with the old man in silence. The small congregation, unaware it was now one member less, exited the church when the sermon ended, the hum of agreement of how powerful the sermon was quieted as they left.

But no one was more aware of the sermons poignancy than the man who remained behind sitting with the old man. Perhaps the priest had just recognized the moment and moved closer to pray with the men or perhaps he was aware of the old mans passing as it happened, but he sat beside the middle aged man and I watched from the back of the church, somewhat hidden from view, as they locked eyes and lowered their heads in prayer.

And the three men sat together and I saw the beauty of life, of love, of loss, of patience and support all blossom like the most beautiful flower that ever grew in the garden of life. And as the three sat with grace, like the father, the son and the Holy Spirit, the church bells rang through time.

Hope (99 Words – Flash Fiction)

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“Not all is lost” he says in a protective, loving voice.

She shakes her head, trapped in an internal conversation between good and bad, like refereeing a match between reality and remaining positive. She chuckles at the absurdity.

What he means to say is ‘All hope is not lost’. You can lose everything but it’s only hope that rescues the lost, only hope brings you back, only hope paves the way through the darkness ahead.

The irony of her name is not lost on her. You have to lose it to find it but she’s been Hope all along.

Love’s Bouquet (99 Words – Flash Fiction)

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She sat on the hot green grass watching him run circles around her with the boundless energy only a two year old possessed.

As an adult we age by the decade but children grow by the day, each blink like the slide from life’s projector, a snapshot of growth. From coo’ing to smiling, from standing and walking to talking, it’s endless discovery ignited.

Her warm daydream is interrupted by a loud “Here, momma!” and his small fingers extend a bunch of tiny, squished, grass flowers. Her heart nearly explodes with pure happiness. Love never picked a more beautiful bouquet.

Man Glisten (99 words – Flash Fiction)

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“What makes you feel good?” she asked him. “I don’t know. Sports? Or maybe working on my car.” He paused, thinking harder about this question than he anticipated.

She smiled a soft, playful smile. He was the kindest person she ever met.

“You know I love you, right?”

Now he was the one smiling, a smile colored with a bit of blush.

Embarrassed, he stroked his chin exposing hidden beard glitter that sparkled in the sun.

Only the strongest men play dress up with their 6 year old daughter and his man glisten is an endearing badge of honor.

Warrior (99 Words – Flash Fiction)

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The grief that wrapped itself tightly around her life had fingers of depression that choked her into an inescapable feeling of slow, inevitable suffocation.

She can’t let go of the shame she carries but knows it may kill her if she doesn’t.

She stares at herself momentarily in the mirror, seeing only the painful sadness only an aging woman knows.

But somewhere inside the fire rises and from her eyes fall tears of surrender and with her finger she wipes them across her face like war paint. She was a warrior once and to her surprise, she still is.

The Charisma of Cranes (99 words – Flash Fiction)

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I leaned against the pole overlooking the boardwalk and chuckled to myself as I took another drag from my cigarette. In a way it was like watching poetry in motion, a dance of jest, an innocent flirtation (if you could call it that) as he paced passing couples, children, and women. He didn’t say anything and instead impressed them with juggling, twisting balloons into animal shapes, and spontaneously extending paper flowers to the single ladies walking by. He blocked paths long enough to be playful, leaving passersby smiling. He had the charisma of cranes and I couldn’t look away.


Lines (99 words – Flash Fiction)

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Lines are for drawing, lines are for crossing, for waiting, towing or fishing.

We read lines, write lines, and use pick-up lines to meet others.

We drop a line of communication and build lines of defense.

We are in the line of sight or the line of fire.

Lines make boundaries, create hard lines between us, lines you don‘t want to cross.

We streamline, get our ducks in a line, hang clothes on the clothesline.

Lines show us where we have been and also where we dare to go beyond.

And that my friend, is no line at all.

The Pacific (99 words – Flash Fiction)

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If I close my eyes I’m a kid again, standing in the bait shop with my dad and sister, filled with excitement, in awe of the shining lures that look like toys on the walls.

They beg a closer look, even tricking little humans to their innocence, but behind the glitter hides a hook of death.

I hold the Styrofoam bowl of night crawlers in dirt, thousands of legs attempting a fruitless dance of escape.

We head to the coast.

On the pier, we cast lines underhand into the morning fog of the Pacific and wait for a bite.

In the Shadow of Strength

“It’s not about the things you do, it’s about the things you haven’t done.” he says to her.

Those words cut deep into her heart, a heart that has already survived a beating, a heart that barely made it, a heart that despite being wounded slowly grows, repairs, renews. A heart now covered in scar tissue yet still it beats on, a true testament to the human spirit, the flower that blooms through the cracks in the concrete.

She knows that the struggle to survive can be an isolating one, a fight not recognized fully by others because to win, one must make it appear that no fight has been fought at all. Very few bear witness to this internal process and she knows now that the weakest part of you can come from the strength you possess.

“Perception is reality.” he also says, not having faced much adversity in his own life to realize just how arrogant that statement actually sounds to someone not looking to perpetuate misconception. And although it pains her to admit it, she knows he is right, to some extent. She still struggles to identify exactly who is doing the perceiving, the judging, and who’s perception is the right one when different people see different sides. It can’t be that everyone is right all the time, can it? ‘To each his own’ is a comforting saying as she thinks about this topic and kicks around the idea that if everyone was just concerned about themselves, the idea of perception and deception would be a moot point.

What is my reality?’ she asks herself. ‘Is it how I see myself or how others see me? A combination of both? Or perhaps it’s neither.’

What she knows is that in this moment in her life she is judged by some not for her many accomplishments but for the things people believe she hasn’t accomplished or the things she isn’t able to excel at yet. By gauging her worth through the unattained, the imperfect, by her weaknesses, she is set up for failure every time and what other people think she hasn’t done yet she knows is slowly killing her soul and dimming her light.

She has isolated herself now out of protection of herself, in defense of herself, to slow her degradation. To some further away she looks so strong, a survivor of emotional trauma most shutter to imagine. And yet others close to her punish her weaknesses by giving her new scars to carry that will remind her that no matter what she can do in the future, there was a time when her best simply wasn’t good enough. A time that they exploited her heart to make themselves feel better. She was used, betrayed and afterward she was told it was her fault, that it was her weaknesses that caused the painful chain reaction in her life and more importantly they remind her, in theirs. If only she had been stronger is what she hears them say without saying those exact words. But she knows that is what they mean… and she starts to believe she is a failure.

It’s not about the things she has done. It’s about the things she hasn’t done. She thinks about this statement and her anger rises from the shadows of sadness within her.

Her take is simple. Perceive her any way you wish. It isn’t your judgment that gives her strength. It isn’t your approval she seeks to reinforce herself. No one controls her and her willingness to let others lead. She needed a moment of emotional pause, to sit out and catch her breath, a break from the race so to speak. But it was only a pause. She was weak, the weakest she has ever been, the weakest she has known anyone to be, but she is still here. And her race, she realizes, is just starting to resume.

And yet she is being judged for what she hasn’t done. And what is that exactly?…

What she hasn’t done is let the betrayal turn her heart black. What she hasn’t done is seek the revenge she is ashamed to want to satisfy. What she hasn’t done is walk away and give up. She hasn’t pointed out the glaring flaws that so many others possess too. The ones they think they are good at hiding because they create a diversion of deception by being the loudest person in the room, the person who knows it all, the expert. She hasn’t let anger take over her life. She hasn’t shut the door on forgiveness. She hasn’t totally lost herself to the abyss. And all of this by her choice, because of her strength, because she is a fighter even if it is only she that knows she is winning.

And after what seems like years lost to uncertainty and discomfort, to change and adaptation, inability and sadness, she will grow and change some more. And although she doesn’t know it yet, she will grow to embrace herself, to embrace her weakness, her humanness. She will grow stronger, love deeper, grow into the person she knows is hiding within her. She will live and will die one day many years from now knowing she experienced the full spectrum of life. And in the end, what more could one human ask for?



Flight (99 Words – Flash Fiction)

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It was dusk as I drove over the delta causeway. The sun had set, a grey haze developed while the heat hung in place. The once vibrant colors quickly muted their glow as darkness encroached.

I drove a steady pace, the rhythmic sound of tires bumping the sections of the causeway drifted my mind towards sunset.

The smoke in the distance was changing shape, rising and falling in a moving circle. As I neared, my focus sharpened. Bats, thousands of them. They flew from their cave below the causeway into the darkness, predators in flight, a sight to behold.

Island Escape (99 words – Flash Fiction)

He was born on the island. Trapped as it were by the beauty that surrounded him. So many people come here to vacation, break free from the outside world, unwind in paradise. Yet here he sits on the sprawling beach, sand occupies his entire vision, 180 degrees. The water is breathtaking. An almost dreamlike mix of Turquoise, Sea Spray and tan. Above the horizon the planes fly in the distance. Lifting his hand eye level, he stretches out his arm and extends his finger pacing the plane. For now, flying fingers are the closest he is to an escape.

Her Dream’s Edge (99 words – Flash Fiction)

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She followed this dream to the edge, one she never thought existed and couldn’t comprehend, like the vastness of the cosmos, and yet after such a long journey of total transformation, she stands at its precipice.

Every end is a beginning and the sadness of perpetual change walks silently beside her, nudging her towards the cliffs edge. Comforted by its inevitability yet frustrated at her lack of choice, she approaches with fatigued enthusiasm.

Is this the beginning of greatness or the end of the best of her, a moment she will forever chase like a dream fading at dawn?

Carat Cake (99 words – Flash Fiction)

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From the moment he met her his heart was hers. He devours her details, locking them in his memory to surprise her when she least expects it, showing he cares.
She loves horses, the beach, and the color purple. She wants to be a doctor, travel to Egypt and swim with dolphins.
He adores her and she him and on their anniversary he will bake her a version of her favorite cake only this version will contain a different kind of carat. And trying to steady his voice and his knee, he will ask her to be his forever.

Hope (99 words – Flash Fiction)

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They knelt at the ocean’s edge determined, pants wet with saltwater, fingers cold and dirty, their hearts mixed fear with excitement. The rock weighted the cord in the sand as small fingers knotted it around a plastic baggie, carefully protecting a written message so clearly hand-printed any teacher would be proud to grade if given the chance. But these words held secrets only the children knew and standing at the edge of their world, they released their hope, a bright red balloon against the blinding blue. Someone would be coming to save them. It’s just a matter of time.

Fade Into You

I fade into you, not knowing where I end and you begin, a subtle blending from I and you to the beauty that is simply us.

Like the fire of sunset, the bleeding of crimson to burnt orange, a bright and brilliant yellow all the way to the coolest shade of lavender towards the tail end and eventual fade to black.

To pinpoint the exact place that one color becomes the other is impossible as the colors change by the moment, each more beautiful than the moment before, but each is beautiful in its own right and by its own light.

The perpetual change is beauty in action and like every sunrise and every sunset, the moments are temporary but lucky for us the marks they leave on our souls are permanent ones.

And like ourselves, this beautiful life we live is temporary too, with some enjoying the experience of the long drawn out day, from sunrise to sunset, basked in the warmth of the sun and the coolness of the breeze on the long journey home.

And others seem to experience a sudden eclipse, swallowed whole into the unknown darkness without warning, their physical journey cut short, a free ride past the worry and pain of future aging and ailments, of loss and tragedy, of worry and regret.

I fade into you gently through the hands of time and I rest knowing that whether it be through eclipse or sunset, I carry with me the colors of us on my journey, having now felt the warmth of the sun I can never forget it.

We are a light never extinguished, a light that adds to the beauty of sunrise and sunset, like all the love and beauty experienced before us, and with love as our light we will forever shine bright.

Brighter than the stars, than the sun, beyond and through the darkness, we are both the prism and the light and it fades into us.

Freedom (99 words – Flash Fiction)

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Paralyzed, I laid in bed, unable to move even to scratch my nose. If I tried hard not to think about it I kept that imminent feeling of insanity at bay. I didn’t look at the calendar to know the date. I didn’t care anymore. Every day was the same. The godawful same. Gazing out the window tugged at my heart. I couldn’t see trees, houses, or even people. Only gray and freedom flying. Black ravens. Carrying the invisible strings to my heart, like dark dreams, my weighted freedom. I was jealous of birds… so I set them free.

Unicorn (99 words – Flash Fiction)

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Sarah and Julie were the two most beautiful princesses in all the land. Their cardboard castle stood tall and strong in their backyard kingdom. Their subjects (Barbies riding plastic horses and stuffed animals wearing precious gems) filled the castle interior. Their pink and purple gowns sparkled in the sun.

Jared waited on his pirate ship near the yard’s horizon, planning his castle plunder, dreaming of the enemies he would slay, making the princesses walk the plank.

But the princesses didn’t worry about the approaching ship. Galloping from the West, their protector came charging. It was Rex, the family unicorn.

Her World

She used to talk about leaving. Escaping into the depths of the redwoods and living in nature totally free. That was her young dream but as she aged she found herself being pulled north towards Oregon although her ultimate nirvana would be to land right in the middle of NowhereTown, Alaska living off the land in a small hut she built with a view that would make any person confined to the city jealous of.

She wanted to live simply. Grow food, hunt, live from the land and off the grid. She was a skilled butcher by trade although the sight of blood, death for easy consumption and waste eventually bothered her into a life change. Her disgust for corporate greed grew and their need to cut corners for profit, relaxed safety measures and the feeling that society was drifting away from a truth she felt she understood made it so that eventually the trade repulsed her, butchering animals for others consumption repulsed her, and she couldn’t do it any longer.

But hunting in the wilderness she felt was different. It took skill. Had meaning. The death of all of the animals had a meaning. It was an example of the true essence of life and death and she respected that. Nothing was done in vain and her hard work every day would be rewarded with the greatest gift of all, another day of freedom.

And she could work, harder than most people, and physically harder than most adult men. But the strength was sort of an illusion, covering up the scars on her tender heart from her teen years spent on the streets, making her appear that she could handle emotionally more than she knew she could. No one ever doubted her physical strength though, ever.

After the death of her father at 13, she broke from society and wandered alone accompanied by others filled with rage and entitlement and she figured she wouldn’t live through it, every day taking what she wanted from anyone she wanted, fearing nothing more than when the time came for her life to be taken from her. She expected it and even felt she deserved it, a penance for the pain she inflicted, for the pain inflicted upon her. She knew the end would come and she would fight like one of those trapped animals getting ready to be butchered, until the very end, until there was no way to escape. Looking backwards I think she thought it would have been poetic justice had it happened that way.

That idea to fight kept her alive when most of the others she ran around with didn’t but the scars it left were deep and had a daily impact on her adult life. When she came out of that haze in her early 20’s, being a butcher seemed natural to her, perhaps it was the comfort in her fear she confronted that drew her to it. But as she grew older and life changed, she changed too. Too tender to kill more than weeds, even letting house spiders go outside, she wanted to change. A strange sort of peace settled in her and now she wanted to tend her garden and grow tomatoes, live in nature, away from the pain of the world and just enjoy the fruits of a hard days labor.

I always thought she was crazy with this dream of hers. Who wants to live in boon fuck nowhere, out in the wilderness with no running water, snow packed so high in winter you can barely get around. No hospital nearby, and aside from those who may live near you or partner with you to tackle winter, you were otherwise alone. A life away from paychecks and appointments, grocery stores and neighbors, hot water and driving… a life away from convenience. How inconvenient is that?!

And then WHAM! I was broadsided, hit so hard by life it not only knocked the wind out of me, it knocked me down, sat on my chest and pummeled me with blows to my head and heart, so many so that it was only because of instinct that I threw my arms up to shield my face as my last line of defense. But my defense was an illusion and it did nothing to help. The fight back actually made it worse for me and eventually my strength and energy faded, I let my arms fall to my sides in defeat, fully exposed now to the beating that life was inflicting on me, helpless. I barely survived this beating and while my bruises healed, the scars internal are my permanent reminder of the attack, and I will carry them with me always.

Sometimes I catch myself just gazing out of the window at the clouds going by, or watching leaves wave on branches, or I just close my eyes and listen to the stream in the neighbor’s yard and the beautiful sound that the water peacefully makes and I understand now why she wanted to live in the center of nature, away from the “civilized“ rest of the world. When you have done things, had things done to you, when you lose the good fight and your world shatters into a thousand pieces resulting in an unrecognizable version of yourself, where all of your weaknesses are exposed, you are embarrassed, used, spit out. You are weak, so very weak living in your own personal hell, every day just fighting to see good, see life and to value it and not let the anger eat away all of its goodness like a cancer. When you survive this, the beauty of the world presents itself in a way more beautiful than you ever knew possible, in a way that words seem to fail you in describing, a truth so pure you can only embrace it, with simplicity and love, peace and forgiveness.

This would have been her heaven had she survived long enough to experience it and I wish now more than ever I could tell her that I finally understand her beautiful world; its scars, its pitfalls, its death and rebirth, the effort, the peeling away of layers, the exposure, the truth, the love and the quiet. Its simplicity and complexity, the desire to be alone but never truly, the fire from inside that you hide from, the fire that burns on and carries you through. The embarrassment, the guilt, the fear, the anxiety, being broken. Fixing yourself, letting others help fix you, the journey with its setbacks, the darkness and the light. How one persons belief in you can be enough to give you hope, how we all need saving. We are all running from something, to somewhere, away from ourselves, towards one another.

I wish I could say these things to her but somewhere inside of me, I feel like she knows it already. By surviving her death, she gave me this awareness as a gift and although I feel alone in her absence I feel now more like twins than the day we were born together all those years ago.

santa maria 2008 N stuff 010

Scotch on the Rocks (99 words – Flash Fiction)

If you want to participate, here’s the link:

He sat at the rear of the bar, near the backdoor propped open by a chair, the perfect exit into the alley if it came to that.

The air was humid, smoke hanging as thick as the blues playing in the background. He was restless, the woman at the bar breaking his concentration. He wove the idea of her dress crumpled on his bedroom floor into the plan he was forming to rob the bar.

He approaches, close enough to smell her perfume, and orders a scotch on the rocks, hoping the ice would cool the heat between them.

The Death of St. Valentine

Today is a day we observe love on a global scale and only the positive aspects seem to be recognized, of course. Facebook fakeness and overpriced representations of love given never really seem to represent accurately anyone’s living reality although this seems beside the point. But is Valentine’s Day also a day to mourn love? The answer to this question is a simple yes and this year she will be officially mourning the death of love.

She is not too sure how it is possible to exist in both ends of the love spectrum but she simultaneously feels the ache of a full heart, brimming with absolute pure love, a love not matched, created and experienced, with no end. A love she knows she will always feel although she knows in time it will change forms but she is for certain, it will never get smaller. A love that grows into her, from her, and she can only embrace it’s purity and innocence with thanks, in debt with gratitude. This is the unending love she feels for her child.

But today she also remembers the scars and the traces of true love felt, experienced and eventually lost, like a dream she loves to remember and sometimes a nightmare she wishes she could forget. Young love, first love. The love of lust, of excitement, of risk, of experiment, of passion. A height with no ceiling, a cliff with no railing. Absolute freedom, an expression of unknown capability, which will eventually lead to overwhelming loss and scaring but she doesn’t know this yet. She is free to love without boundaries, love without fear, love with her whole self. This love is greedy. This love is the love you give to a soul you meet, a soul you don’t necessarily get the luxury of picking. Its a love that finds you and will remain in the cracks and crevices of your heart forever.

But a new feeling to her today is the deep pit of sadness for her recent loss of adult love, her heart aches for what she knows now to be true, her prior suspicions confirmed. What little trust she had left in people seems gone, she sees everyone now as some sort of instrument that inflicts pain and her only defense is to learn to identify which one of those instruments are capable of a fatal blow and which ones only wound.


It is a hollow feeling and she likens it to the anticipation of the biggest party you have ever thrown, like the wedding you have dreamed of since you were a young girl. Countless months you have planned for this but for years you have dreamt of it, a visual expression of all you are capable of, an expression of love, the deepest and most perfect love that ever was, a love that you have captured and you just want to share it with the world. You sink yourself into planning, every detail set to WOW, every decoration perfect. The guest list is amazing. Music, food, weather, location. Your color scheme is perfect, your jewelry, your dress. Oh my god, the dress. It fits like a glove and you look amazing, skin glowing, beaming. Everything is exactly as you always dreamed it would be. Everyone you love and care about will be there. The calls and messages in the days before the wedding only confirm how wonderful the day will be. The excitement is palpable. Everyone is coming to see you, to see both of you. You are the stars and the wedding is a picture of the world you have created, of your eternity you will spend together.

But at the altar, all she can hear is the blood rushing in her ears, her heart is pounding, about to explode in her chest. She flushs red then white, a cold sweat. Is she going to faint? Wait, what is happening? Time has stopped and her stomach drops and her ability to process anything is brought to an immediate halt. And the feeling she shoved away, piled bricks upon, weighed down so it would never surface, ignored and neglected, never planned for because it simply was not possible, turns out to be possible after all….

…he didn’t show.


Of course, it would have been easier in hindsight if he left her at the altar but instead, he has, in theory, emotionally left her 6 years into their marriage where they now live abroad (in his home country). They have a son, a mortgage, friends, a life, a home… they have made a life together. This fatal blow comes on the heels of surviving the grief of losing her twin sister and eventually her mother and remaining sisters in the angry aftermath. Surviving his betrayal and being able to walk away with minimal, lifelong injury is the best case scenario. But of course, he hasn’t physically left her. Not yet, at least. She caught him cheating. And the selected truth he gave only turned out to be the PG version of the actual events that again, she had to uncover on her own. He says he loves her and always has. Life was just too hard a few years back and he was weak. He will never do it again. He is sorry he hurt her. They can work on it…

But all she can think about is what does she get out of this? When life gets hard he gets to have a year-long affair to ‘escape‘? Where is her escape? Childcare? Housework? Alone in her grief in an empty emotional house? Somehow the scale does not seem to weigh equal.

And the worst part is, she really loves him. She meant every vow she promised when she married him… but now, from this point forward, she shares him with another woman, and she loves him too.

So here she sits writing this story on Valentine‘s Day. Lie one discovered in December, lie two just two weeks ago. And tonight they will get a sitter, go to dinner, spend some time together. She will try to keep it together so they can try to enjoy the night and she will try not to explode into the worst version of herself because of the anger and betrayal and embarrassment she feels. She will hope that the tears come after he has fallen asleep, in the discomfort of their bed, in their home, in their marriage. She will mourn the love she has lost, weep again for the dream she has lost and the new reality that has sprung up in its place. She will imagine her life if she stays, she will imagine her life if she leaves, on perpetual loop with no end in sight. No way is the right way anymore and from this point forward it feels like just a series of losses; of her dreams, of her self, of love, forever.

Rest In Peace St. Valentine (1700 – 2/14/2018)


Fireweed (99 Words – Flash Fiction)

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The corners of myself amass cobwebs in spaces I no longer occupy, my younger self gone, consumed by webs of growing doubt and fatigue.

Perhaps letting these corners go I let my self go, cherry-picking parts of me to display while obscuring my true self that once existed.

At ground zero, my fallout has erased me. My shelter and cobwebs exposed and incinerated in the following fire.

The rain has stopped and crouching in the smoldering field of black, I lower my face towards the puddle beside me, exhausted. Imagine my surprise, I died and returned as a Fireweed.

Sometimes, I Hate The Smell of Flowers

Sometimes, I hate the smell of flowers. It is the smell of death, a smell of loss, the vibrant colors a reminder of a forever shadow.

When I was young, my family knew a lot of people in our town and the surrounding towns near where I grew up. My father was well liked by everyone and he had a way about him that was like a magnet. He helped anyone who asked and in return, if he ever needed anything (which wasn’t very often), he had people lined up to help, a rare opportunity for others to repay his kindness. I knew my father was a good guy but it wasn’t until after he died that I realized just how many people he touched, how many people were truly thankful for him and whatever help he gave them and for his friendship. He made such an impact on people who to this day, more than 25 years after his death, people still tell stories about him, talk about how thankful they were for the help he gave, what a great guy he was, a great friend. Then there is always this pause, a deep breath and an exhale as they say what a tragedy it was, his death was, leaving us four girls behind.

My father had four brothers and a sister, and two of his brothers lived less than 5 blocks away from us. We were a big Italian family, we were part of the Italian social club where the Italians were actually the Italians that came from the old country and not just a bunch of American guys with Italian heritage. My father was the youngest of his siblings and by all accounts he was the joker, the funny one.

Before he died, we went to the funerals of family members and family friends. My father was a house painter by trade but really he could do any job you needed. All the little old Italian ladies loved him because when they needed something, he would always help, at little or no cost to them. He checked in on them and even brought us to some of their houses to play while he worked. He was always doing and fixing something for his friends, with no expectation of anything in return…and they truly loved him.

Because he had such a huge web of people who he knew we went to several funerals as children for the older people who had passed away, out of respect for my dad, and to show respect on behalf of our family.

Catholic funerals were always so serious when I was a child. Any funeral is serious but when viewed through the lens of a child’s eye, almost nothing was more serious than an Italian Catholic funeral. Of course, as an adult, funerals are still very serious although I have come to understand death differently and have a different level of comfort with them now.

Of course we had to dress up which I hated because I was a tomboy. I remember crying and being so mad I had to wear stockings and a dress and shiny shoes and I was not quiet about it either. It was the same way when we went to church every single Sunday. I liked to go to church but I never understood why you had to dress up to pray or dress up just to sit and listen to stories from the bible. I was “corrected” more times than I would like to admit now as an adult and all of these years later I wish I just would have sat there and shut up so my dad could have one hour of peace to pray because he was a true, practicing Catholic. But what did I know. I was 7.

When we went to a funeral, I remember how quiet it was except for the organ music playing in the background. The line of people down the center aisle of the church, all slowly marching to the front. I remember being so short, surrounded by adults. I remember feeling like everyone was looking at me, my face getting hot, embarrassed to be there. Embarrassed to be in a dress. This was the only time I didn’t mind holding my sister’s hand.

Slowly you would walk until you reached the first pew and the family was there, all wearing black, shaking hands, exchanging ‘I’m sorry’s’ for hugs, tissue boxes on the pew, quiet tears falling from the eyes of both men and women. This was the only time I ever saw men cry except for the few times I saw my father cry as he withered away from cancer, perhaps not convinced his god would save him. But stranger still was seeing someone else my age. What awkward glances we exchanged, so different from the usual greetings on the schoolyard.

And then there was the casket and it was almost always open, a pale profile view of the person inside, but probably never as pale as I felt as the blood rushed away from my face upon approach. And from behind my dad would be nudging us closer, and closer…and closer. And you had to go. It wasn’t necessarily that you were scared to go alone, closer to the body, or at least I wasn’t, I just didn’t want to be there, period. And you would have to make the sign of the cross and kneel down on the stool and say a prayer, literally just arms distance from a dead body, and nearly eye level too.

Burned in my memory are the painted on eyebrows of the old ladies, with unnatural rosy cheeks, hair that was hair sprayed permanently in place, with layers and layers of make-up, and the overwhelming distinct smell of old lady perfume. I can still see the thinly applied lipstick, the wrinkles, even the chin hairs covered with face powder. But what I always remember most were the delicate crossed hands across the lap, their paper-thin skin, blue-gray and soft, cradling rosary beads with a beautiful peaceful shade of pastel painted on perfectly manicured fingernails.

And the flowers, there were always so many flowers. The sashes read Friend, Beloved Mother, You Will Be Missed, Forever In Our Hearts. Red roses pinned into the shape of a giant heart, white roses pinned in a perfect circle with cascading palm leaves, displays of love firmly attached to the V-shaped stand. There were so many. There were vases everywhere too, with roses and lilies and other small flowers to add a bit of color, but not too much. Plain and simple. And the bigger the stand of flowers, the more love you had for the dead.

And then you stepped away from the casket, found a pew and sat silently, I moved only to readjust the worlds most uncomfortable stockings, or to stand or sit or stand again, or sit again to pray the Catholic rosary and sing and listen to the sermon about life and more importantly, everyone’s eventual death.

The smell of the church was always the same no matter if it was a funeral, a Sunday mass, Easter or Christmas. It was the smell of an aging, well taken care of building, of warm candles burning, of incense, and the sweetness of flowers. It is a smell that is in every single Catholic church I have been in and coupled with the beauty of the kaleidoscope of colors that blanket the floor and pews from delicate stained glass from the windows above, oddly enough it is one of the few places I feel at home no matter where I am in the world.

As an adult now, I have been to many wakes and funerals and I am glad that I don’t experience them the way I did when I was young. I am not Catholic anymore, either.

But the smell of fresh flowers that permeates the air at a certain point in Spring, or when I walk into a flower shop to pick a bouquet for friends for a Sunday morning brunch, or walking past a farmers market or simply getting Stargazers on a random afternoon from my husband, I am reminded of the past. And for a split second, I stiffen up, fight the urge to run away, old enough now to self-correct my behavior and although I don’t wear stockings anymore, I am in this moment, as uncomfortable as I was all those years ago.

And without warning, all because of a smell, I feel the loss of everyone I have ever known and I am flooded with 100 memories all at once; of my childhood and my father, of who he was, what we lost, all the people we lost, my grandma. And I slow to a stop, alone, lost in the sweet smell of the past and a reminder of moments long ago lost to time but frozen still in my memory.

Sometimes, I really hate the smell of flowers.


Stargazing [99 words – Flash Fiction]

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The black blanket of night hung above them, diamonds blinking over head long after sunset, her pale white skin illuminated in their glow.

Stargazing in the desert was the perfect way for them to enjoy one another, their last summer together before their own universes forever expanded.

A mattress of blankets, tailgate down, holding hands, watching heavens show.

Soon the world would slowly uncouple them, drawing them away from the magic of the truck but tonight the universe was theirs, stitched into the fabric of time, only the stars to witness their magic, jealous as they watched from above.

No Winners [99 words – Flash Fiction]

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Trying to explain to her that addiction and depression were not a choice, it wasn’t black or white the way her painfully constructed world was, fell on deaf ears.

Her argument… “Choose to be happy, choose to not drink. You’re in control. By continuing to use, to be depressed, means you don’t want to change.”

For years, we dug further into our stances, further away from each other.

The rift fractured our family, a cracked foundation no “I’m sorry” could fix .

Our fight was to the death although it wouldn’t be ours, it was hers.

War has no winner.

A Redwood or an Oak

If it wasn’t for the ground, I would have fallen into the abyss and been lost to time long ago. The now familiar feeling of falling, thinking ‘Oh shit!’ as I see the ground rushing towards my face. The impact of the face plant, too fast to extend even my hand to break my fall, this trip towards the earth is nothing but a free fall.

The impact is shocking but there is no time to consider it. The weight of the world is pushing on my back, pressing my entire self into the ground as further punishment. Perhaps it is trying to remind me where I came from?

Eyes shut, darkness all around, breathing in the smell of dirt, scraped and bleeding from the rocks. Broken bones I cannot move, worse yet, broken spirit means I don’t want to move again, ever.

But you do, move again, although not everyone can or does and for some the fall and the injury to the body and spirit are too great to heal from. For those that fell into the abyss and didn’t hit the ground, I like to think they are the unseen hands all around that soften the fall for the rest of us.

It’s bittersweet, this cycle is. The bitter is the fall, the pain, the slow recovery, the scar making. The sweet is all the good before the fall and the journey back up again. It’s the love, being alive, breathing and feeling, being human.

The sweet is also the moment that the decision is made to pick yourself up because something, somewhere, tells you to. The sweet is hope and from hope the seed of life grows. From seed to sapling, into a Redwood or an Oak. We are all seeds on a journey, up from the dirt we climb, towards the dirt again we fall when it’s time.


Wait For Me

Wait for me atop rolling hills of dancing wheat, saturated in golden sun, where running feet never seem to touch the ground.

Wait for me on mirrored glass where the heavens and the water fade into a horizon of reflected reality.

Wait for me where the warm rain of summer taps the melody of life on loves tin roof.

A place where porch swings sway at dusk, where the snow rests silently on Cedars, where the whispers of the past edge the dunes of the desert, where darkness stops fighting and the light of dawn emerges victorious.

Wait here and I will find you, dancing gracefully with the wind, passed the heavens towards eternal. Kiss me then my love and free our hearts for you are all things to me, my love. You are the beginning and end to my dreams, you and I suspended in perpetual infinity.

Edge [99 Words – Flash Fiction]

99 words, no more, no less. Want to participate? Click here:

When do you admit that it’s past the point of repair? Past the point of putting the other person first? Past the point of dropping hints or simply flat-out asking why he doesn’t bother with things like flowers anymore? But it’s not only flowers, and she knows it, admitting this, coming to the realization that she is losing him, or has lost him, just seems so surreal. Silently living in a fractured marriage, at the edge of all she has ever known. Ahead lies darkness, fear and the certainty of the freedom she fears most and desperately desires, simultaneously.

A Thank You To You The Reader

It’s been one year since I started my blog and looking backwards, time has just flown by. I decided to reread all of my posts to celebrate and it was cathartic and emotional and it really is me wearing my heart on my sleeve. No one I know knows that I have this blog so, for now, it is my own small piece of freedom, a place I go to vent and grieve and grow stronger.

Thank you to all of you who have taken the time to follow, like or comment on my posts. You may not know it but it really does mean a lot to me and I truly appreciate it.

One year down, many more to go. Looking forward to 2018 and growing into a stronger writer and a stronger me.

Life’s Journey, My Mountain

It seems I am in a state of indecision, life seems anything but routine, each drastic change on the heels of the change before, each one the one I convince myself will be the last big change for a while. I tell myself this lie because one day it may be so. Maybe there really will be a long length of time where nothing happens, and by nothing I mean nothing earth shattering bad.

I know that life has regular peaks and valleys and normally a few of those valleys will cause you to stop and hesitate before restarting your journey back up the mountain and that is normal. But over the past few years, I have had so many falls towards the valleys while on my journey that the peaks seem almost non-existent and the valleys just seem to grow deeper, even when I thought deeper was not possible. I guess you would say most people refer to this place as ‘rock bottom’ but when do you really know it is rock bottom? That may sound like a stupid question but what I discovered is that you only know when rock bottom is when you are back on your journey up the mountain towards the peak again and you can see what was behind you, from a distance, a growing perspective.

In general, I think most people in their life feel like they climb towards the peak every day. The peak is the pinnacle of life; all the goals you have, the promise, the love you feel, in one place…the place where you are trying to go, in essence it is the best of you. The valley below is where you land when you fall from your peak but let’s face it, it doesn’t seem like the majority of people have fallen all the way to the bottom. After all, that is a really long way. Somehow I think most people catch themselves as they fall, like snagging their shirt on a branch sticking out of the mountain, and while they are bruised and banged up, they dangle, still attached to the mountain. It is a scary thought but to me this seems like the best way to describe this process. Now, imagine that this person who fell and is caught on the branch, is able to cling to the mountain again. Scared, this person pauses to catch their breath and regain their barring, but eventually, when strength and confidence are regained, the decision is made to slowly start to climb again. This decision begins the recovery process and the forward journey towards the sunny peak at the top. I think it is reasonable to assume that most people in their life climb (and re-climb) the same mountain, over and over again, sliding, losing some progress made, they adjust, gaining strength from lessons learned, from experience, in order to propel themselves further each day thereafter.

But what happens when you actually fall from the mountain to the valley below and you are not caught by a branch? What happens when your bones are broken and you are laying on the valley floor, disoriented, in pain, and all you want to do is shut your eyes, maybe even forever, because the pain is so great? All you can feel is the pain, all you see is darkness all around you. No one is there with you. You are broken, and alone in the dark, disoriented because the fall happened so fast. Even if you did know where you were it wouldn’t help because you can’t see clearly, every way is simultaneously both the right direction and the wrong direction and you can’t tell which is which because your internal compass was smashed in the fall. It pretty much feels like everything has been smashed in the fall, everything except the memory of the moment before you fell and then the fall itself into the darkness.

I know this seems like such an elementary and dramatic way to describe my life’s journey over the past several years but it is the best analogy I have. A few years back I fell from my mountain. Before that, I had slipped down but never too far. I have always had a good grip, feeling I was being groomed to be an expert mountain climber from birth with the many valleys I encountered in hindsight. So before my big fall, I wasn’t even entertaining the thought of totally falling, why would I be? Instead I used my falls to build my technique, I climbed slower at times but always kept climbing. The thing I like about life and “mountain climbing” is that for me, I can’t ever see the top, I have no nirvana peak, I just enjoy the journey, scars healing, badges of honor, growing experiences, moving upwards.

I had my furthest fall two years before the big fall. I uprooted my entire life, changed everything that I knew, became someone I never was before and left behind all that I knew and I loved to begin a new chapter of my life on the other side of the world. This was both extremely liberating and very scary. The excitement clouded my doubt and muted my inner ‘what-if’s’ and I just said fuck it. I am going for it. I was aware that I muted my inner doubts but in this case, I felt I had to in order to really live. I would have forever regretted letting this decision, the opportunity, pass by because I talked myself out of it…so I talked myself into it. And I was scared and lonely at times and challenged in a way I never was before, and I grew in a way that I never had before, I was growing into a different version of the independent me I always knew, and I liked it.

But it was coming, my big fall was, and I sensed it but again, I muted the inner me, the fear in me, to press on. After all, you have to give yourself the opportunity to explore and to fall so you know what you are made of. In all the years of my journey thus far, all the experience I had gained, somehow instantly disappeared and it had (contrary to what I believed) not prepared me for what was about to happen to me. When I fell, I fell hard. And when I broke on the floor, I prayed for it to be over, literally. This is something I never, ever did before. I was a ‘glass is half full’ kind of a person. Here, at the valley bottom, I didn’t even have a glass anymore.

With time I slowly made progress. One day I opened one eye, a few days later the other. Weeks later I wiggled my finger and months later I sat up. Eventually I stood up once my bones mended and my outward bruises faded but I realized quickly that my bones didn’t set the right way and after taking my first steps, I wasn’t walking the same either. Slowly and probably out of habit, I started to climb, millimeter by millimeter, day after day. I adjusted to the new me that I hardly recognized and still in the darkness, I climbed. Eventually, after a couple of years and after several small falls, I saw light. Not a lot but it was light, it was hope, and I painfully climbed in it’s direction.

What I realize now is that I fell so far from the mountain into the valley below, that now that I have oriented myself and can see because I have made it out of the valley, it turns out that I am climbing an entirely new mountain. I can see my old mountain but it is silhouetted on the skyline. I recognize it but I can’t climb to it, there is no way back. Because I can never reach it, it now parallels my new journey up this new mountain that I find myself on. Never out of view, it shadows me. The terrain of this new mountain is nothing like my old mountain, although I have found that what I thought was broken parts of me that mended incorrectly, actually, at times, helps me navigate this new mountain and obstacles ahead of me. I anticipate more, can prepare a bit more (although I am painfully aware that emotional preparation is actually almost all an illusion). But, I find a way to turn my injuries into abilities, and this gives me small wins along my journey and helps propel me forward.

I am scared now though and like dogs in distress on the 4th of July at the sounds of fireworks cracking and booming in the night, I too flinch as life’s rock slides as they roll by dangerously close to me, even if they are sometimes far enough away that I know I will avoid impact, I still can not seem to shake away the ‘what-if’s’. Now, nearly everything seems too close for comfort.

And so here I climb, today is the 1,305th day of my journey. It sounds like a lot but if the days are counted as memories, it all seems like just yesterday. I have more sunny days than cloudy ones although I have weathered some pretty awful storms in between and I know, eventually, more will come. Maybe I am only still climbing because I am stubborn and because I truly know love and want to hold on to it until forever comes and while I don’t want to rush or tempt fate, I can honestly say that I do look forward to quiet one day. But not yet. Not even soon because in a way I feel my journey is just beginning and somehow or another, I finally feel like the most well-equipped mountain climber that ever was. And for that I can say I am truly thankful.


In The Rays of The Sun

In dreams I walk with you, in a place with no end and no beginning.

Endless, as sweet as children’s laughter, as tender as loves first touch, a heart set on fire.

Burning deep and bright it has no equal, it is both a place of experience and innocence, wrapped in the gentle arms of the wind, forever whispering through the pines.

Stay with me, in the light we made, the light we found. When my breath is free, my body still, no longer confined by burden, I will open my eyes internal, eternally, forever in the comfort of your presence, basking in the radiance of loves infinite rays.

Forever Try

Eyes fixed in a gaze of infinity,

Peering deep in my soul to the inner me.

Seeing light release so freely, so easily,

To the outside of the world where it’s meant to be.


Darkness, all alone I sit wanting you.

The thought of us against the world, the thought of just we two.

Shedding layers of ourselves, the new us comes in to view.

I have lost myself somewhere, what am I to do?


One by one I find the bricks that I left behind.

One by one I build them up, a new wall I find.

Creating space around my heart, I find the ties that bind.

Like a lonely road in the distance, my life forever winds.


I want to run, reach out to you, hold you forever near.

Not sure that is possible anymore, you forsake me, dear.

Created doubt where before I only dreamt of fear.

However now, where we stand is painful, it is crystal clear.


Dig deep, reinvent, make myself brand new.

The honest truth, told to few, if only the others knew.

I take a breath, look to the heavens, pray for a simple clue.

Do you love me? I don’t know but I still love you.


Rings get broken, rings get lost, an example shown,

Of the love we advertise, a safe forever home.

The light of love, obscured by grief, I left him all alone.

But the truth, my heart I gave to you, a forever loan.


I will make it right, change my heart, become a butterfly,

Change from the caterpillar I am comfortable being which is exactly why,

I gaze away into the blue and watch the birds fly by.

Another chance we give to each other, another forever try.


Here, Take My Sweater

A reminder of love no longer leaves an indent on her skin.

Her most prized possession, her pride, her heart, tucked away in the cupboard in a glass made for a candle.

Hardly a home for what was to be a forever vow.

The clock ticks on and the desire for distraction drives forward.

While her heart, like walking through mud, trudges behind her life.

Are we there yet?

What seems now like slow motion, faded sun bleached memories distant, bring forth the pain of fire somewhere within.

In a place she forgot she had.

A place she hid before, in plain sight, exposed weakness mistaken for inner strength.

She searches for home base.

Her only real focus comes from being on the edge of breaking although the edge seems less like an abyss since she has seen it before.

Nearly entirely exposed after total embarrassment all that is left is the sound of a weary exhale and her inner eye roll because she knows all she can do is climb the mountain, again.

It’s oddly comfortable at the bottom of the mountain but she knows that if she stays too long the change will be permanent.

Her nickname should be Bootstraps after all this shit.

At least that thought makes her laugh.

How many times can a person reinvent themself?

The answer is always at least one more time.

And so she will.

Naked ring finger, naked self, exposed to the world.

Look and get it over with and move on already.

And when your time comes, and it does for everyone, I won’t gawk.

I will give you my sweater to cover your vulnerabilities.

Because when I stop giving myself to everyone, I am dead to the world already.

Broken Vow, Shining Sun

On her 6th cup of coffee of the morning, she has hardly eaten anything as Don Henley’s End of Innocence ironically plays in the background. She is awake, in a hazed mix of sorrow, regret and indifference. She isn’t even angry yet. She plays the imagined scenario on a loop in her mind, each time changing it a bit to imagine all scenarios possible. A torture, an obsession, she never wanted to imagine it and yet she can’t stop herself now. He thinks a day is enough time for her to adjust, accept his apology and then to start planning on how THEY are going to fix it.

The silence is peppered with outbursts built from an intense need for clarification of his side of a story that doesn’t fully add up. Quick, let’s get over it before you think too much about it, she knows this is what he is thinking. He is upset she swore at him, raised her voice, was louder on their walk through the night around their neighborhood than he would have liked. What would people think? What would they say? If only they knew. If only he knew what she wanted to do to him. She stops so many times on their walk, just shaking her head and needing clarification because it doesn’t make sense what he says. It’s too without real emotion. “It doesn’t matter what she wanted.” he said. He ended it. But it does matter. How he strung her along does matter. Her love letter does matter. It matters that she, his wife, found that letter by accident and that he didn’t tell her… and he admits he wasn’t going to.

In sickness and in health, for richer or for poor, with honestly and choking lies…

He says he didn’t lie. He says he told her about the affair…only after confronted with the note, of course. Is a lie just as bad as truth withheld? It’s 9 days until Christmas. What a present. Bullshit, wrapped in lies, tied up nicely with a bow of endless self-consciousness. He is ‘uncomfortable’ saying affair so he says ‘inappropriate behavior’ instead. Um, no. Inappropriate behavior is burping at the table, swearing in church, asking someone if they are pregnant when they are overweight. That is inappropriate. Not carrying on an intimate relationship with your employee, building up a “connection” for months during physical therapy treatments that involve back massages, while kissing her on the neck or cheek or whatever bullshit he said and did to her. That is far more than inappropriate. And it’s not just one incident either. Several he admits. Several inappropriate incidents is not the same as having an affair, he explains to her. “An affair requires commitment.” When asked if he thought that was an inappropriate thing for a married man to do he said, “Look, it’s my job to touch bodies all day.” Mother fucker, that is not what she meant. Everything is downplayed. It didn’t happen a lot, it didn’t go further than that, he chose his wife so he ended it. “Can’t WE just move on already?”, he says to her. The 6 months leading up to this “relationship” (he doesn’t like that word either) doesn’t count. The span of three months that this happened over doesn’t really count. What counts, according to him, is that he ended it.

Or did he? She wonders. After all, it’s not like he came clean to her on his own. She caught him. She found the note in his computer bag, by accident. It literally fell on her lap. She knows he couldn’t keep it at the office, maybe a coworker would find it. He couldn’t keep it in their home, maybe she would find it. His work laptop bag which she never ever used before hadn’t been used by him for a couple of months, September to be exact. All she needed was to use it for the day because they had no internet at their house and she figured the coffee shop we be a good workstation for the day. How could she have prepared for this? He kept it there hiding amongst his papers. Important enough he didn’t throw it away. And why not? She wonders. This unimportant inappropriate action seems to be not quite that after all. Why else would anyone keep a love letter like this? Another denial that doesn’t make sense to her.

Near the forest on their walk in the cold of the evening, she stopped again for more clarification regarding the details of his story. Again he had the opportunity to downplay it all and reexplain why the way she was connecting the dots was actually all wrong and how it was less emotional than she was saying it was. She asks him a question that caused him to flash an expression of shame which up until this point he had not showed her. “Would it diminish your relationship with your affair if you explained your thought process behind how this all happened and her unimportance the same way you say it to me now if she was standing right next to me? Or would you say it differently?” It was clear the answer was yes. She still meant something to him or at least what they shared did, even if he could not admit it to himself.

And what now? What was she supposed to do? Be the woman that gives her husband another chance, a chance to fix what he wronged, to choose love over a statistic, give him the chance to make their life the way they had planned? To trust him again? Or will no amounts of chances make a cheater and honest man? She feels like a fool either way. He created doubt where none was before. And she must asks herself over and over again these unanswerable questions for the rest of her days… can this ever work? Can she trust him? Will he do it again?

Staring out the window in a daze she watches the clouds float by slowly. It’s pretty. The sun breaks through and for a brief second she feels like it is a sign. Relief rushes over her. And then a cloud obscures the rays of truth. She takes another sip of coffee, waiting for the sun.



He was already in the room when I came in. I didn’t see him enter but he was there nonetheless. I knew when I saw him that something was wrong. He wasn’t moving like normal. He was sluggish, slow, as if lingering in slow motion.

I looked away only for a moment and then when I looked back he was gone. My eyes darted back and forth searching for him but he wasn’t there. I let out a short exhale, a bit disappointed. Why? I wasn’t too sure exactly but part of me thought maybe I could help him.

I finished up and got ready to leave. I gave the room another look for any last minute corrections. I had hoped I might see him too but I didn’t. Off went the light and out of the door I went.

Days passed and I had forgotten all about him until I saw him again only this time he was dead. I was certain. Wedged between the window and it’s sticky covering, an opaque white, his small black body lay beneath. He had found the smallest opening, a corner peeling up towards the heavens, and up he traveled backwards to his final resting place. Such a strange place to pick, I thought. I wonder why. And backwards?

Ironic was his name unless his spirit remained free.

I, with you, forever

It cannot be that all I see is me, the opposite is true, I see you and all you do and I am still. Still and quiet, I cannot deny it, forever loving you, hard as it may be I will try it. Fear seeps in and my tough skin wears thin, my heart on my sleeve, lost if you leave, my heart begs please, don’t go and if you do, please take two, me and you, for to be alone, with no love shown, is no way to live if there is no more love to give, I, with you, forever.



Golden October

Golden October brings leaves falling effortlessly like whispers to the earth. Dry from baking in the sun, brittle, as Summer turns to Fall. Fire hot yellow bleeds into burnt orange, blood red to rusty brown and some remain evergreen. A warm afternoon, a moment stolen in its golden light.

The sound of small birds discussing plans for winter in the distance, the soft breeze blowing through the remaining tired leaves that are grasping on to the skinny branches of the old trees, seemingly wanting only more time in the fading autumn sun.

The faint sounds from the school children far off in the distance brings memories rushing. Warm skin stung by summers last kiss of heat, the fading waves of the crackle of leaves coming and going, rolling in and out in corners, on the street, in the yard, all around.

This moment is simple and a touch of sorrow settles within me. But the moment is beautiful too and with no words nature gently retells me the story of my past, whispers from the wind, as comforting as old friends, and yet this moment has never happened before. Inhaling the present and exhaling age, my eyes close and I am momentarily still, forever lost in this moment, somewhere in the back of my mind.



On the subway, back facing forwards, my eyes fixed on the tracks as they pass. The whine of the car turns rhythmic in time, drowning out the sharpness of individual sounds made clear when we halt. On the longest stretch on the S7 we head towards Grunewald. Garden huts pass on my left as do thousands and thousands of green leaves and trees and bushes. For a moment the Regional train parallels us. I look at strangers seeing everyone and no one in particular. We all look so sad. No one is talking, no one is smiling. We all just gaze out of our window, our reflections looking back at us on sun and dirt streaked windows clouded with time, all consumed in thought. It’s quiet and the sun beams with energy. White clouds float stationary in an ice blue sky. For a moment time is lost and I exists solely in the moment, suspended, eternal, the notion of time is lost in my thoughts. My world is both the biggest thing I have ever known and the smallest blade of grass in the universe. A snapshot, a mirror, a moment, forgotten until my next journey on the subway when faces change but all reflections stay the same. Berlin, du bist so wunderbar.

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The Slow Process of Grieving in Silence

The other evening I stood in my garden and I was watering the plants after a very hot day, a very hot several days actually. It was dusk, the time of the evening when people go outside to water their garden after a hot day, when the mosquitoes awaken in search of their victims, the air is thick with heat from the day but damp now too now that the sun is gone. The time of evening when the painting of the sunset has faded to the muted colors of deep purple, faint pink and encroaching darkness, when porch lights come on but house lights stay off so windows can be opened as the breeze comes slowly.

I stood alone in silence in this moment and heard the sounds from my neighbor’s garden which was hidden from my view by trees and tall bushes, directly behind our house. The sound I heard was the sound of an outdoor dinner party and the muffled sounds of people talking with the often gentle interruption of laughter.

Now I know it’s not uncommon to hear people in their backyards on weekend evenings enjoying dinner and drinks with friends on a summer’s evening, but what was uncommon, for me at least, was not the actual hearing of the sound of laughter and the gathering of friends but the feeling I instinctively had as it bottomed out my stomach. My absolute first thought to myself as I sighed slowly with a very familiar pain in my chest was, “I can’t remember the last time I laughed like that.” And I searched my memory and really, I couldn’t remember. I was going back days, weeks, months….it can’t be months? Could it? My sadness deepened. But it wasn’t months, it wasn’t even a year. My God, the last time my heart-felt happy enough to laugh like that was before my twin sister died….nearly three years now.

You know that feeling when someone tells you something that most certainly seems like a total fabrication and your first response is a call out the bullshit with an unmistakable look of skepticism with your expression. But then the person keeps at it and the furrow of your brow, your pursed lips, your squinted eyes of disbelief slowly give way to raised eyebrows and an open mouth and you are left speechless to the truth of what seemed like a total initial lie? Well, I had that feeling but it wasn’t about a story that I had a hard time believing to be true….it was about laughter. It was about happiness or maybe more specifically, my sadness. 3 years. 3 YEARS my heart hadn’t laughed and aside from several moments of joy I have felt watching my infant son discover the world and me, I felt in that moment, completely alone.

Before my sister died I had felt sadness before, painful sadness from experiences that come with regular life and I also felt grief too. The pain and grief from losing others close to me through the ending of friendships or because there was too great of a distance to remain close or in some cases death parted us. But the overwhelming grief that engulfed my life after my twin died was so deep and so powerful that it made all other pains in my memory pale in comparison, or at least it feels this way now in hindsight.

For someone like me who has a hard time talking about myself in any great length on true personal matters in my heart, except for conversations with the selected few souls who actually “get it”, the new state of emotions I found myself experiencing was, at the very least, overwhelming.

Grief leaves you with an incredible feeling of alienation, you don’t feel safe anywhere, you don’t feel comfortable anywhere, something always feels wrong, really really wrong. You are not just scared but terrified, of living, of dying, of being alone, of being with others. Your memory just loops the news of death over and over in your mind. You see it 1,000 times in your mind a day, maybe more. Each time you rest, close your eyes, open your eyes. In moments of quiet, especially quiet, even through the loudest sounds, your mind loops. Noise doesn’t drowned it out, quiet doesn’t drowned it out, alcohol doesn’t drowned it out, sleep doesn’t drowned it out, quiet doesn’t drowned it out, company doesn’t drowned it out. Nothing drowns it out. The scene, the call, how time stood still, the calls you had to make, you couldn’t breathe, or talk, only tears, crazy burning hot tears, an invisible faucet turned on and left open, you have no control over anything. Literally. And in that moment, you realize it. And it is terrifying. Zero control of what happens next, of the future and when you realize that, the pressure of the faucet increases and you are wobbly on your feet, arm extended behind you to locate the wall as you feel the collapse coming. Even if you fall, it won’t hurt though. You couldn’t feel more that what you are feeling in this moment, not one feeling more. Dizzying, nauseous, spinning, empty. This is how I felt every single day for months, literally.

Another thing I came to realize is that even though friends and family have the best of intentions, they don’t understand. With friends you expect this to some degree but your family, surely they understand you, at least, they lost a family member too, right? After all, it is the same family member so the loss should be felt on some sort of an equal plane, even if it is only marginally, right?…..this is not true. This is not only not true but the consequences of differences in grieving can and most likely will tear your remaining family apart.

Two things I didn’t know to expect: 1. that after the funeral and chaos, the silence is deafening and for some reason no one likes to talk or feels comfortable talking about the person who died or hearing about your grief and loss and 2. people who had a difficult relationship with the person who died, over time, tend to start bending memory and the past in a way that makes them look better, makes the past look better than it was, and in the oddest of ways, a new past is being created out of the guilt of those who cannot get closure any other way that to change the facts of the past. And if you don’t fight this memory change, it will become the new memory in time and the true old memory will be lost to time. So you fight to preserve the truth, to honor your loved one. But with caution, if you fight to preserve the actual memory of how things really happened, you will be alienating yourself and people will wonder why you can’t just “let things go”….which will make you even more upset so you will fight harder to preserve the truth and those who want to change it will do it anyway and then the gap will grow and grow and grow and one day you will either find yourself constantly fighting to preserve the past and your loved ones memory or you will find yourself alone, and in my case, you will find both, at least emotionally, that is.

It wasn’t only my sister that died 3 years ago but my family, the family I grew up with, my sisters and my mother. In 3 years I lost my twin, my two older sisters and my mother. I will not buy this new picture of the past that they paint so now I stand alone. I am now an orphan. But I am not just an orphan I am an orphan that also has become a mom for the first time. I have no mother to talk to for advice, no sisters to give me tricks to the trade. My son has no Aunts, no grandma on my side, my son has no memory of our old big family holidays surrounded by aunts, uncles, cousins. There is no noise, no chaos, no huge family holiday meals. No group photos or stories or laughs to share together. For him, he doesn’t know any better but for me, this loss on top of the loss of my twin is nearly too much to carry. It leaves me wondering how something so empty can feel so heavy?

And if this is not the state of mind that I live in, the 2nd state of mind is living with the loss of my twin sister, my best friend, and what feels now like the best part of me. The 3rd state to live in is the world that still continues to go on regardless of me, my past, my losses, my grief. This is the world everyone else lives in. Three years in and I cannot balance these three states and I feel like I am failing in all of them. There is no way to live fully in one state, disregarding the other two. Growth comes from a fluidity of balance, to not stay in one too long so as not to create a new reality. I cannot manage this yet. I am overwhelmed with emotion when I stay in any state too long and trying to live in all three of these states simultaneously leaves me feeling vulnerable, overwhelmingly sad and unmotivated.

When my sister died my feeling of emotion went into overdrive and I have had to keep up a continuous process of dealing with these emotions and it is exhausting. Not like tired exhausting but like fatigue exhausting and fighting fatigue is ironic because you need energy to fight and the one thing you don’t have when you feel fatigue is energy, of any kind. I wake with this feeling most days. Imagine a battery that used to have 95% starting energy each day now is only 60% full on my best day. Losing my sister took 40% of my full battery away, without warning, 40% of me, of my life, of my happiness, was gone in an instant. I would love to optimally start and/or stay at 70% but it is not likely and most days I say I live at 45%, a bad day takes me lower, a good day up to 60, and very few days have taken me further. And the desire to exceed 60 is not only exhausting for me because I know how much energy it takes to get there, it is extremely sad to recognize this. My best is not good enough anymore, I lack the energy to give more, and I also fight to not just give in to all of it and say fuck it which also adds to my fatigue. I am running standing still, I am exhausted before beginning, I am sad in this state.

I read articles and stories here and there about others grief and how they dealt with it, what their advice is. If you are looking for advice, I don’t have any. I have no tricks, no compromise shortcuts, no quick ways to make things seem better. I write this for two reasons. The first one is for me because of all the things I have read about grief, I still never hear it described how I felt it, how I feel it, so for me to write this and re-read it makes me feel sane. The second reason is for the person who feels alone in their grief recovery or is new to this process. You are both absolutely alone and completely not. And it may or may not give you comfort for me to say this but know I know how you feel. Which isn’t saying much, I guess, other than it says you are not crazy. I get it. And believe it or not, there are others out there that get it too. Not a lot, but they are out there. Struggling alone, struggling alongside you. We are alone together.

I don’t know what tomorrow will bring but I made it through yesterday, today I am trying and I have to hope that tomorrow will be better than today.


Dare [100 words – Flash Fiction]

“You won’t do it.” And with that I ran. Running so hard my chest burned, lungs pumping, arms and legs moving in sync. Blocking sane thoughts to stop, I realize I am screaming. Rooftop pebbles crunch underfoot. Pinpoint focus on the edge and it is approaching, fast. Past the point of no return. I can’t breathe. Red faced, hot. I am almost there. In 3, 2, 1….edge, one foot, balance, two feet, push, arms extended, like a stone bird, release. Freedom, weightless, horizontal with the skyline, motion, timeless, rushing wind. Silence. I am all things and I am nothing, eternally.New Iphone Pics -03302012 286


The drops fall from the gray sky relentlessly. Sometimes so full, round, directly down from above, as if stones were being thrown from the heavens. Other times a fine mist covers all, blowing in the wind. You can actually see the wind moving like waves in the ocean, like a never-ending transparent blanket is being shaken out in slow motion. The small drops of fine mist being treated to a more exciting, slower decent from the clouds. Nothing is dry. Absolutely nothing. For days now…and it’s summer.

If you stop and watch it fall sometimes it seems as though you are watching emotion itself. It is like listening to classical music, soft and gentle, then slowly the volume increases, the beat, the pace. You can feel the eruption starting and you know it will come but the anticipation and not knowing when it will happen is consuming. It’s like sex in a way. And always there is the climax of emotion, although anticipated it still feels like you have never experienced it before, not this way, not this time. The crash of the cymbal, the crack of the thunder and blinding blink of lightning you can almost feel when the storm is above you.

But, perhaps you haven’t felt it like this before but you won’t know until you quiet your inner self and watch. This is the beauty of it. The journey. Knowing what will come next, watching it, and yet still waiting for it to develop, not knowing if you are correct, always being both right and wrong at the same time. The storm, the song, our life.

It’s raining again. And I watch for a moment and wait. Anticipation, that is what rain brings.

The Firework

Futures Past

Shadows cast long as the sun sets behind * My companion of memories trail in my mind.

I walk alone in this world surrounded by people * My spirit and body ages me feeble.

In a veil of grief that shadows all life * My heart so frail, wounded, as if cut with a knife.

Emotionally bleeding, no tourniquet in sight * Sometimes I feel I should give up the fight.

Like colors that fade from an old photo left in the sun * All my emotions robbed of me, all nearly save one.

This feeling of loss I can’t shake it or fill it * Torturing myself, there is no way to kill it.

Simultaneously running and yet I am standing still * The only reason I stand here is out of sheer will.

I feel as though I am not going backwards or forwards * For the specific feeling I have in this language there are no words.

Not the first to feel this and certainly not the last * I question this life, my future, my past.


Missing You, Missing Me

I miss you. I miss you missing me.

I moved to the other side of the world and was separated from you in a way we never were before. I missed someone, I missed you, in a way I never missed anyone before. It made me so sad to know I couldn’t just drop by and see you, spend the weekend hanging out and making dinner together. To watch bad movies the way you loved to do or simply just drink coffee in the morning in the sunshine on the stairs with you they way we used to do on the weekends. I miss trying to help you, to fix you, to make your life happier and when your life was happier, I was happier. Oddly, what made me feel better was knowing that you missed me too, sometimes so desperately, the same way I missed you although I was never very good as articulating how deeply I missed you the way you were able to. To be truly missed, to know that someone loves you so much, they think about you and when given a moment to themselves they fill it with the thought of calling you to share some part of their day, big or small, usually 3 calls or messages a day for all the small things, the everyday life, so simple and mundane and beautiful and sometimes sad…I miss you. With my whole heart. In a way I didn’t expect. And I miss you, missing me.

I also miss me. I miss the me I was before I missed you so badly, so permanently. Before I realized that I am not who I thought I was once you left. I will never be again who I thought I was. All of me changed when you left. I miss the me that used to smile easily, the me that used to enjoy going out and enjoying life, the me that didn’t have a hard time working at my job, the me that was dependable and strong and there for others. The me that was always strong for you when you couldn’t be. I miss the me that saw sunny days, that looked forward to holidays, the me that called or messaged you 3 or 4 times a day to say nothing really at all. I miss the me that constantly worried about you and I missed the me that was planning ways to move you here so we could be together, grow old together the way we planned. I miss the me that didn’t see IT coming. I miss the old me that simply just missed you and I miss the feeling of knowing it was always just a few more months until we saw each other again.

I miss you now in a way I will never get over, a hole I will never fill. I can miss you all I want and I do but what I will never have again is you missing me and knowing just how much we loved each other, spoken and unspoken, in the comfortable way you can sit in silence with someone and know nothing needs to be said because it already has been and our hearts are happy, full, complete. Soul mates, sisters, friends, you were my twin. You are my twin. Like breathing I will go on missing you and I do miss you so terribly, so desperately, my unfortunate new normal.

Missing you, missing me, forever.

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Shadow Half

Us and we is now I and me.

We were two and now I am one, half of me in light, the other half in shadow.

My light is shrinking and the darkness of your absence is growing. A tear in the fabric of my time, life is an absent seamstress.

I am alone surrounded by people, deafening screams internal, making all other sounds of love, faint in the distance.

I am chasing a ghost only I will truly know and my few attempts to explain the loss is confined to a language that has no word that truly defines it, to explain it, so I won’t try.

Backlit from the sun I see you, not me and without fail it reminds me that here I am alone but like a negative image, you walk with me.

Alone I am whole and without you I am whole but it is only with you that I am complete.

Endless Sleep – An Extended Haiku

Endless sleep will bring * a calmness never again * in lifes waking state.

Eyes closed. Focusing * on a time I lived free, when * I loved completely.

Smelling your scent I * rest deep in the nape of your * neck, finally home.

I can not rest here * long, only moments pass, an * eternity spent.

To be locked away, * revisited only when * I need you near me…

…which is always, and * never. Pain so great it must * be buried within.

To love again I * hope. But if its a fraction * to be lost, death first.

Endless Sleep 1

The Big Exit

When the sun shined for the first time I could remember how strange it felt, how warm, magical even. I was so small then. Unaware of my surroundings or who or what I really was, I knew only to pause and wait, for what, I wasn’t really sure but I was there, with the sun on my skin and the air blowing past me with peace.

I remember those days so long ago and it seems like a dream although I am nearly certain it wasn’t. At least I think it wasn’t. Some times I am not sure anymore. So much has changed.

You know that feeling when you haven’t felt the sun on your skin for months and the first time it shines and touches you, all you can do is stop, close your eyes and turn your face towards its warmth and bathe in its light?…I felt like that all day, every day and it was a beautiful state.

Of course, eventually you have to open your eyes and when that time came for me I realized that I wasn’t alone any longer. I was surrounded by others, all just like me. We all didn’t really know where we were but it felt good to see the others and with an unseen shoulder shrug we accepted this company and it just became part of who we were. I was no longer just one, I was an US.

Throughout my life I had always been surrounded by others and it was always a comfort. I could remember no different therefore I wasn’t thinking about preserving anything, preserving time more specifically. I lived, we lived, days dancing in the warm sun, nights laying peacefully outside, basked in the glow of the moonlight. I grew bigger and stronger, we grew bigger and stronger. We were living although we didn’t know to call it that.

I noticed though that some days were not always sunny and the cloudy days made all things feel a bit less lively, a bit more depressed but that was OK though. Those days were few and far between and to focus on those days would be a waste of the sunny days we had and the ones to come.

One day though, I noticed a change. I could not place the feeling because I never had it before. From one day to the next, it was as if the wind changed somehow and set into motion the ticking of an invisible clock. Well, it was invisible to me at the time. I had no word for the feeling, I just felt it. It would come and go with the days but as time went by, more often than not, my thoughts turned to this feeling and I wondered more about it.

I can remember the day my closest neighbor left. At first it was a shock because he was always there before. I guess you could say we grew up together and all of my memories include him even before I really knew who he was. We were so similar and so naturally after he had gone, I felt lonesome but there were so many others around, eventually it was OK although I still thought about him often but more so now at the end.

I think it was after my friend left that I realized about the change in the air, maybe it was a change in me too. Although nearly everything was as it was the day before he left, his absence made a hole….a hole that eventually got bigger in both me and the world around me.

As time went on, more and more of my friends left and I began to think I was missing out on something. Like everyone was being picked first for a team sport and I was left alone, not knowing the feeling of inclusion. I told myself that their absence must be a good thing and if they left then I will leave soon too. So I waited. We all waited. We lived too and enjoyed the days but with a new purpose. The new purpose was, in a way, exciting,”An adventure that lay just around the corner!” I would tell myself. But as I aged and those corners approached, it seemed like all of the others were picked for the team and I was left behind, slowly feeling more alone, still waiting.

My hope slowly turned to disappointment, then to sadness and eventually to grief. In time the grief has faded. Well, to be honest, I cannot tell if it has faded or if I am just used to it, so I accept it either way. There are others around me but not nearly as many. All of my friends are gone and so I sit and I wait, in the sun and the breeze. The air is colder and the days are not so sunny anymore. My skin has changed too and it has lost its youthful glow. It is now so very thin, like paper, it is dry and cracked and some days I feel so weak that even the wind could just blow me away. But it doesn’t and so I sit patiently, nearly alone, with only memory and perspective as my two lasting companions and I wonder if more days in the sun were a beautiful gift bestowed on me or if they were a sad joke of some sort being played on me. My answer to this just depends on the day.

“Any day now.” I think, and while I am too old to be excited, I am ready for the journey with the hopes that it will bring me peace of some sort. I spend most days now thinking about those who are gone and I think about their big exits and know now why they call us leaves.

Leaves 3


I picked up a feather last time I was here. There were two.
I told myself it would be a sign if the next time I came there was another feather there. Maybe that was the spot to honor her. The feather would be my sign.

On my walk, days later, today, I decided to come back to the cemetery although it was in the wrong direction of where I wanted to go. Pushing my stroller I walked towards your tree. I am calling it that because that’s where I want to put your stone.

Coming from the opposite direction as usual and walking in the direction of your tree I came upon 5 feathers in a pattern on the walkway. There were four feathers at the corners of an invisible square and one directly on the walkway.

It was a sign.

I took photos of the patterns and smiled as I parked under your tree and sat in the place I want to dedicate a bench to you and Betty. This is where I picked up one of the two feathers that lay here last time I was here. The second feather, the original sign, is gone now.

I sit and think about the five feathers in the walkway and want to contact Vida to ask about the pattern.
I’m concerned with if it’s too out of the blue to ask her and I debate this in my mind, going back and forth, for some time.

The old lady three stones in front of me cleans a headstone with a brush and water.
Two men I can’t see to my left are chatting away. Laughing a little. It sounds nice.

I see a young woman who looks a bit like you busily busting her ass gardening in her white tank top, shades and strong arms. She is our age, maybe younger. Out of place here by 30 years amongst the living but she seems oddly at home, working hard at her headstone garden, maintaining its beauty. She reminds me so much of you and I smile a bit at the memory of you always working in your garden.

I decide to go because I can hear my son sleeping restlessly in the stroller on this oddly warm Spring day. I get up and walk to the stroller and see a feather next to the spot I want to place your stone. It lays right between the stroller wheel marks I made in the dirt, not ten minutes before, right below your tree. It wasn’t there before. I know because I looked. I am without words. I take a picture.

I look in awe and start crying and for a second I feel you and look around and hope I see you…but I don’t. I feel you though. And it’s enough to keep my tears coming and enough to make me happy for a moment.

It was a sign. I know you. I know your love of feathers…

…so I took the feather with me.

My Mother Had a Button Box

When I was a child my mother had a button box that she kept in what we liked to call her sewing room. At the time my sisters and I were all in Catholic school and we had to wear a uniform each day to school. Our daily uniform consisted of a white collared short sleeve shirt and a pleated blue and black skirt that hung below the knee. Both the shirt and the skirt not only needed to be bleached clean every day but they also needed to be ironed too which was a lot to ask of a mother of four girls, three of which were tom boys and could not keep a shirt clean longer that a few hours with me being the worst. I always came home with grass stains, dirt marks and small tears in my shirts along and without fail I always had missing buttons. No matter how hard I tried, somehow, someway my shirts were always a disaster and always needed to be repaired weekly in some way.

Late in the evenings from my room when the entire house was quiet, I could hear the faint sound of a television on and I knew that my mom was up late sewing and getting our uniforms ready for the morning. I used to get out of bed and quietly tip toe through my room so I didn’t wake up my sister and I would slowly walk down the dark hallway, past the room where my older sisters slept, towards the glowing light that outlined the sewing room door. The hallway was so black that the white light made the door look like it was floating in the dark and I would inch my way closer to the opening of the sliding door to peek inside and see if I could watch whatever it was that my mom was watching on TV while she worked with the hopes she would not notice that I was there. Eventually, I would make a noise that tipped her off that I was standing in the hallway and often times she would tell me that I couldn’t stay up with her and I couldn’t watch TV with her and she sent me back to my room. Sometimes she would get incredibly mad at me and her punishments always made me think twice before I left the darkness of my bedroom and its safety to tiptoe down the hall and try again to watch TV on some other occasion but I was a stubborn child and each night was a new night and no matter what, I would try again, and again, and again, risking punishment for a glimpse of the TV and the button box. I was just that type of kid.

But on the odd night when my mom was in a good mood and she knew I was standing there peeking through the door in the dark hallway, she would let me come in and watch TV with her. I always chose to sit under the sewing machine that was adjacent to the TV because I felt like I was in a special, hidden area that was only my special area where only I could fit. I could see the TV, be close to my mom and most importantly I had enough room to look through her button box.

I loved that button box. It was a long, rectangle box that was the length of two adult hands laid end to end and it was covered in brown and dark satin paisley print. There was the smallest of handles on the top of the lid that was only big enough to grasp with your pointer finger and thumb and the clasp was a claw hook, small but sturdy, perfect for little fingers. When the clasps grip was loosened you opened the box and the lining of the box was pink satin. Pink is an awful color when you are a tomboy but this pink was bright and delicate and since it lined one of my favorite things, it was beautiful.

I would dump the buttons out on the floor and arrange them a hundred different ways: by color, shape, size. There were brown ones, black ones, small ones and long ones. Some were shiny and others matte, the ones for our shirts were pearlescent and there were so many of them. My favorites were the few metal buttons that were unlike any buttons I had ever seen before and I always wondered where they came from and who wore them. I even had a favorite button. It was one of the long black, barrel buttons that went on my moms favorite jacket. I loved that jacket and I don’t know how many times I touched the ones on her coat. It was like how children play with their mom’s hair when they are tired except I never played with my moms hair, I wanted to hold these buttons.

And in those late evenings sitting crouched beneath the sewing machine watching reruns of I Love Lucy on a black and white TV, smelling my moms cigarette smoke and sitting close to her, eye level with her knees and seeing only her nightgown and thongs that she always wore on her feet as they bobbed up and down while she sat cross legged sewing on by hand all of our little buttons on our Catholic school shirts and I thought to myself how those were some of my favorite nights as a child, basked in the company of my mom, the safety of my fort and the magic of that button box.


What You Left Behind

I learned more about you by the items you left behind to be thrown away in the trash than what I think you actually took with you.

Sitting amongst my life packed in boxes, of her life too, stacked to the ceiling of her sweltering garage, a task so daunting it is hardly believable. Where do you start to deconstruct the puzzle of your life, haphazardly stacked by strangers you never saw and one you thought you knew?

Peppered amongst my stacked or scattered years of laughter, of sadness, my old life, appear foreign items, strangers amongst items as familiar as my favorite childhood toy.

You took from her things items you felt entitled to, not even pausing to ask if these things you took I was OK with or if they were even mine. Over the years many of her things became mine but mostly my things hers as she promised to keep them safe, a comforting reminder of me in my absence from each other, while I adjusted to life abroad.

As I discover the bags and boxes you left behind I wonder if you left them for me to keep as a memento or if they were just the discarded details of your now former life you were leaving behind. After months of thinking, I know it is the latter.

I discover your old Christmas decorations, not all, just the junk ones I guess. Amongst them, one of the oldest collection of our childhood Christmas record. Year after year of pictures taken with Santa, from the mid-seventies to mid-nineties and at the center an old black and white picture of you in the 50’s, sitting on Santa’s lap, presumably at Macy’s in Union Square in San Francisco, a little girl no more than 7. Every year of my childhood, I looked at that picture collage in December, the little brown bears used as decorations, smiling back at me. Now, the collage sits in a pile of things to get rid of. You said goodbye to the girls in these pictures years ago. Now I see we are your trash, easily discarded, no longer needed as a reminder.

You left the card I wrote you as a thank you on my wedding day, my only parent left, I was so thankful you were there. Your framed Mother’s Day presents from one of your other daughters children, the kids smiling for their granny…garbage. A hand-print reindeer your grandson made you….trash.

Had I been more interested in you I would have wasted my time learning from your box of old paperwork about you IRAs, your savings account records, or thumbing through papers about your second divorce. Instead I shredded them. I should have let thieves steal your identity with the amount of sensitive items you left…but I didn’t. I wanted to but I am trying not to be a horrible bitch like you.

All of the things you left behind were of no value really to anyone except the box of pictures. I found value in those. Picking through what was there, I smiled. I actually smiled. I found old pictures from when we were kids I have never seen before. I saw pictures of us all as a family in Tahoe, when we were happy (I think) and you were wearing a sweater I only remembered once I saw it again. I loved that sweater you wore. From the pattern and colors to the buttons that clasped in the front. They were long and brown and looked a bit like stretched barrels that you hooked around a loop to close. Endlessly as a child my fingers traced their outline, mesmerized. 30 years and I had not thought about that sweater. I had to smile. I got caught up in all of the couple pictures of you and dad and your close friends at Halloween parties, at the club, on cruises, in Martinique. You were all smiling, tan, drunkenly laughing….you were happy…and so was he. I don’t remember that. I found pictures from some trip you took back east. You were surely old enough to have had both of my older sisters, maybe even us twins, but we are not in the pictures. Neither is dad. Why were you there? When? You even left behind a whole scrapbook that you made by hand from this trip, complete with ticket stubs, leaves, coins taped to the pages. Must have taken days for you to make. Must have been an important trip. I will never know because I will never ask you about it. I took the pictures I thought meant something and threw the rest in the trash as you had intended.

So many pictures of you in your youth, late teens, early twenties. You were exotic looking, you looked like no real stress had impacted your life yet. Your hair was dark, long, you were stylish….and alone in most pictures.  Who was taking them? Was it dad? I found your yearbooks, read the summer messages written by your friends, “Have a good summer!” and I read the retelling of numerous inside jokes. You always said you hated high school but it didn’t sound so bad. Who were you then? I know who you are now.

I realized in the pictures where you are in Martinique with dad, where you are smiling in your hotel room and posing on the beach, you will separated in only a few short months. He was devastated when you left him and loved you up to the day he died. I think now he died thinking maybe one day you would come back…maybe. But I can tell in the pictures he doesn’t see what’s coming. Why? Because you look happy. Blindsided. Finally I think my dad and I share a common feeling about you…neither of us really saw it coming or did not want to, anyway.

I never found the foot imprints I made for you when my son was 2 months old. Maybe you took them with you. Or just threw them out in the garbage you didn’t leave for me to dispose of. Or maybe you kept them so you can show me one day your heart was not all black, you were not completely selfish.  I don’t know. I don’t care really.

Sitting in a box here I have some of those photos I kept of dad, of you, of us and I will show my son one day. He may be curious about his grandma in America he was too young to remember. I won’t tell him what you did rather I will say that we are better not talking. Sometimes that can happen. How sad that all the events that have not yet happened that I just naturally assumed you would be a part of won’t include you. My son will have so few pictures with you in them. One of the many tragedies of my life which is a derivative of you. Another tragedy you probably fail to see in your own life. Selfish, sad you. Your crafted amnesia I will never forget.


He sat reclined in his lazy-boy chair, in a dimly lit living room, alone, the light of the TV flickering, its sound playing incessantly, all day, all night, everyday in the background. Somewhere outside dogs bark in the distance, evening has come, the darkness has arrived and settles around the man and his chair, save for the flickering of the TV light and the dim glow of the lamp in the corner.

A knock on the screen door rouses the man back into conscientiousness, a slow rock of his weight to right the chair in its sitting position, he lumbers to the door to see the face of a young man, his son, although it takes him a minute to recognize him. The door opens and the young man enters the trailer and sits on the couch across from the lazy-boy chair. He has brought with him a plate of food, probably the only real meal the man will have in days, weeks perhaps, the man sustaining mostly on lite beer from a can and dinner from a plastic tray. He places it in the middle of the table in the living room.

The silence is thick between sentences and awkwardness is the third companion in the room. The young man talks briefly to the man in his chair about his day, the people he saw, how they looked, a short update on what they are doing and where they are living now. This is the mans only connection to a family he once knew. He listens but looks distracted, uncomfortable as to how to respond and several nods later it seems there is not much else to say. It is awkward again so the young man stands up and walks to the door, the man following slowly. There is no hug or handshake just a slight smile from the young man and after a quick goodbye, all that can be heard is the bang of the metal screen door closing and the gravel sound of footsteps leaving before the hum of the engine takes the young man away. The dogs have stopped barking and the air is quiet.

Pushing aside empty beer cans and a box of half-empty cigarettes that sit on the TV dinner tray beside the lazy-boy, the man picks up the plate of food, places it on the tray, sits in his chair placing the plate on his lap. He removes the tinfoil and is suddenly overwhelmed by the smell of the meal. Turkey, gravy, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce and a small slice of pumpkin pie. For a brief moment something stirs within him. It’s a cross of nostalgia, love, memory, sadness and indifference. He picks up an old, used fork from the tray and reclines back in his chair. The moment has passed, he opens another beer and drinks most of it in one gulp. On TV is a hunting show, camouflage and swamplands and he settles in for the night.

It takes 3 days before anyone thinks to check on the man. Mid-day his trailer door opens and sun beams through the darkness, the TV plays in the background. The man is asleep in his chair, the plate of food on the tray beside him. Asphyxia due to choking and acute alcohol poisoning. The tragedy of addiction summed up in a single day.

I am Afraid

Since your death, I am afraid. I am so afraid. I am afraid in a way I have never known. More afraid than living through the knock down drag out fights our parents had when we were children – hiding with my sisters in the dark behind the house, hearing only screams and crying and feeling despair and fear. I am more afraid than when our father died of cancer and we were left alone, more afraid of being on our own to defend ourselves against the world. More afraid than marrying my husband and moving to a country I knew nothing about, knowing not a single soul that actually knew me. I am even in a way more afraid now than the handful of times I thought you would actually die and there was nothing I could do to save you. Or more afraid still that there was something I could do but I would not reach you in time. I am so afraid now that you are gone. So afraid that I am alone. I am so afraid of loss. Paralyzingly afraid of loss, of death. My death. My husbands. My sons.

I am aware every day of the value of life, of my life. I am so happy to be alive but I am so plagued now with the fear of losing everything, without notice or warning. I feel like it is coming. A reckoning and I am fighting. But I don’t know if it is real or not because all that I thought, all of the things I had imagined life would be like, the million scenarios, will never happen. They will never happen the “right” way because you are not here. My lifetime can now be divided into two halves, the time you were alive and now.

And while this fear builds I try so desperately to cling to life, to love, to be a partner to a man that does not deserve to have this broken person be his wife. And the saddest part is the that he knew me before I was the mess I am now so he knows what he has lost and what our reality is now. I try to be a mom to the sweetest soul I have ever met in my life. I have never, ever been as lucky as I am to be the mother of my son. I would not survive losing him. I try to cling to my old self although it is a mere skeleton of who I once was, a memory, a tragedy. I can’t view the future with blindness because I am worried that I will spoil its beauty with my scars. Nothing in my mind that I think about the future has happened yet it haunts me, a future that has yet to happen, shadows my life with a perceived darkness which I can’t tell yet if I am perpetuating. Am I just seeing life clearly or am I wasting a future by making my thoughts my actions?


Frozen in Time

Stuffed bears and dogs sit upon the couch next to hand-made doilies and small pillows that have lay there for years.

An old wooden door with four squares of yellow glass in the center, left only half way open, begs our entry.

Wine glasses sit alone in glass door wooden cupboards, nearly all that is left in the dining room these days.

Nearby, a glass blown bundle of grapes is on display.

Painted pictures of horses, cats and dogs, childhood crafts from years ago, remain hanging in a corner by a clouded window you can no longer see out of.

Calendar stuck on June, from what year I am not sure, with small, handwritten, pencil reminders to no one in particular anymore.

Tiny gnome figurines with squirrels sit on the windowsill in the kitchen.

Stale air sitting motionless, lingering, a blanket of cold seeping into our clothes.

Below us, clothes are hanging on the line in the basement laundry room, basket standing ready, clothes pins hanging empty.

Grey rings on white walls are ghosts where memories once lived.

Sparrow stickers sit frozen in time on sliding glass doors, guardians of a home no longer lived in or cared for, while grass, weeds and leaves from seasons past pile in wind swept corners of the once revered garden.

Children too far away to clear it out, too far for closure, too far to care or perhaps there are no children at all.

No one to see the house as living anymore.

No one to mourn or celebrate the memories made here.

What is left is the last of one’s life, an awkward collection of things leftover after the items of “value” have been removed.

A picture of one’s life, filled in by an outsider, awkwardly gazing into another’s world with an assumption of what it may have contained.

Personal belongings left to be seen by strangers hoping to fill this empty house with their new memories, breathing life into the dead, making this space a home again.

Feeling sorrow and an awkward comfort in a stranger’s home, I make assumptions and foresee an entire life spent here and strangely, in seconds, I actually can glimpse my life spent here, our life here.

And eventually I imagine the faces of the unknown strangers who will one day do the same to my home that I am doing to someone elses.

They will pick apart my belongings and make conclusions of who I was…my leftovers on display, what is left of my world exposed to strangers who walk amongst my most coveted space, imagining their life in my home as I imagine my life in someone elses space now.

And it occurs to me, does any part of who we are remain within the walls of our most personal space or are we just lent space and things for a short time, never really owning anything but our memories?
